Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

#1412 closed defect

Schema names are not quoted by OGR tools (ogrinfo/ogr2ogr) when using PostGIS as datasource — at Initial Version

Reported by: dolf.andringa@… Owned by: Mateusz Łoskot
Priority: normal Milestone: 1.4.2
Component: OGR_SF Version: 1.3.2
Severity: minor Keywords: postgresql postgis


Hey people,

When I create a schema with a - in the name and create a table inside that schema with geographic information and then try to list the features in that table using ogrinfo, no features are listed. When I turn on CPL_DEBUG and then run ogrinfo, the output below is shown. As you can see the schemaname is not quoted, causing the queries to fail. Below the output I have put a dump that will create the schema and table and will insert one feature into the table (and insert a row into public.geometry_columns).
When the - in the schemaname is changed into an _ the one feature in the table is listed by ogrinfo. So it is just the problem that the schemaname is not quoted by ogr.


GR_PG: DBName="<dbname>"
OGR_PG: PostSIS version string: '1.1 USE_GEOS=1 USE_PROJ=1 USE_STATS=1' -> '1.1'
OGR_PG: Using column 'ogc_fid' as FID for table 'test-table'
OGR_PG: Layer 'test-table' geometry type: POINT:Point, Dim=2
OGR: OGROpen(PG:dbname=<dbname> user=<username> password=<pwd> host=<host>/0x80650d8) succeeded as PostgreSQL.
INFO: Open of `PG:dbname=<dbname> user=<username> password=<pwd> host=<host>'
      using driver `PostgreSQL' successful.
OGR: GetLayerCount() = 1

INFO: ---------- General Layer Report ----------

Layer name: test-schema.test-table
Geometry: Point
OGR_PG: PQexec(DECLARE countCursor CURSOR for SELECT count(*) FROM test-schema."test-table" )

OGR_PG: DECLARE countCursor CURSOR for SELECT count(*) FROM test-schema."test-table" ; failed.
Feature Count: 0
OGR_PG: Unable to get extent by PostGIS. Using standard OGRLayer method.
OGR_PG: PQexec(DECLARE OGRPGLayerReader CURSOR for SELECT "ogc_fid", AsEWKT("wkb_geometry"), "adresnr", "huislt", "huisnr", "postk_a", "postk_n", "straat", "toev", "x_coord", "y_coord" FROM test-schema."test-table" )
Layer SRS WKT:

INFO: ---------- Geometry Column Report ----------

FID Column = ogc_fid
Geometry Column = wkb_geometry
adresnr: String (0.0)
huislt: String (0.0)
huisnr: String (0.0)
postk_a: String (0.0)
postk_n: String (0.0)
straat: String (0.0)
toev: String (0.0)
x_coord: String (0.0)
y_coord: String (0.0)

INFO: ---------- Features Dump ----------

OGR_PG: PQexec(DECLARE OGRPGLayerReader CURSOR for SELECT "ogc_fid", AsEWKT("wkb_geometry"), "adresnr", "huislt", "huisnr", "postk_a", "postk_n", "straat", "toev", "x_coord", "y_coord" FROM test-schema."test-table" )

SET client_encoding = 'LATIN1';
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
CREATE SCHEMA "test-schema";
SET search_path = "test-schema", pg_catalog;

SET default_tablespace = '';

SET default_with_oids = false;
CREATE TABLE "test-table" (
    ogc_fid integer,
    wkb_geometry public.geometry,
    huislt character varying,
    postk_n character varying,
    toev character varying,
    postk_a character varying,
    adresnr character varying,
    straat character varying,
    huisnr character varying,
    x_coord character varying,
    y_coord character varying

INSERT INTO "test-table" VALUES (1, '0101000000122DB29D214F0041E388416007591B41', NULL, '3435', NULL, 'XB', '28844', 'Aalscholver', '1', '133604.202', '448065.843999995');

INSERT INTO public.geometry_columns VALUES ('', 'test-schema', 'test-table', 'wkb_geometry', 2, -1, 'POINT');

Change History (1)

by dolf.andringa@…, 18 years ago

Attachment: test-schema.sql added

The postgres dump

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