Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

#1359 closed defect (fixed)

GdalRasterIO failure in Mapserver drawing large geotiff — at Initial Version

Reported by: crschmidt@… Owned by: warmerdam
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: GDAL_Raster Version: 1.3.2
Severity: normal Keywords:


I'm not sure if this is the right place for this bug report, but I think it is.

When rendering a relatively large GeoTIFF via Mapserver, I am getting random 'failed to draw layer' messages. After testing on Mapserver 4.10 and 4.9, I built 4.10 from debian sources, and debugged until I got this error:

msSetError (code=1, message_fmt=0x810ca32 "GDALRasterIO() failed: %s", routine=0x817a9b0 "IReadBlock failed at X offset 4, Y offset 14") at maperror.c:381

This error is intermittent. If I use a query string with:


then there is an error. 

If I use:


There is no error.

The tarball set to the URL of this bug contains the (very simple) mapfile I was using, as well as the image (which is quite large -- 200MB) which caused the error. The tarball is approx 90MB to download.

The image being rendered has been created using gdalwarp and gdaltranslate from

gdal_translate -a_srs '+init=epsg:4326' -of VRT $LIBPATH/bombay1969.jpg maps/$$.vrt $GCPS
gdalwarp 0 maps/$$.vrt maps/bombay1969.tiff -dstalpha -co TILED=YES -co COMPRESS=PACKBITS -co ALPHA=YES

$GCPS is:

-gcp 2620.69249001997 4565.3926521956 72.8539037704468 19.0201511019564 -gcp 2420.7133233533 4642.0313747505 72.8477239608765 19.0178587490128 -gcp 2682.96145209581 4351.0437250499 72.8551697731018 19.0262571267574 -gcp 1880.64982534931 7592.62219311376 72.8349781036377 18.9320249486597 -gcp 1498.65369261478 7514.78599051895 72.8234338760376 18.9336892862771 -gcp 1483.08645209582 7686.02563622754 72.8231763839722 18.9288586020447 -gcp 1639.95633732536 7541.1305513972 72.8278541564941 18.9330803841945 -gcp 2135.7130738523 7640.52139471057 72.8428745269775 18.9289803857165 -gcp 1772.87662175649 7772.24419910179 72.8320169448853 18.9262605292328

This is using gdal 1.3.2 from debian unstable.

If there is any other feedback I can offer, please let me know.

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