
Version 1 (modified by jbirch, 16 years ago) ( diff )

Automated wiki documentation upload

Automatically generated page, do not modify. User Notes can be created at: Widgets/LegendUsageNotes

Widget: Legend

A widget that displays a listing of all layers that make up the map as a tree structure

Usage Notes

See: Widgets/LegendUsageNotes

Common Widget Properties



  • Description : Suppress invisible layers from the legend
  • Type : boolean
  • Label : Hide Invisible Layers
  • DefaultValue : false
  • IsMandatory : false


  • Description : flag to indicate if the root folder is shown
  • Type : boolean
  • Label : Show the root folder
  • DefaultValue : false
  • IsMandatory : false


  • Description : flag to indicate if the map folder is shown
  • Type : boolean
  • Label : Show the map folder
  • DefaultValue : false
  • IsMandatory : false


  • Description : Icon to use for raster layers
  • Type : String
  • Label : Raster layer icon
  • DefaultValue : images/icons/legend-raster.png
  • IsMandatory : false


  • Description : Icon to use for DWF layers
  • Type : String
  • Label : DWF layer icon
  • DefaultValue : images/icons/legend-DWF.png
  • IsMandatory : false


  • Description : Icon to use for theme layers
  • Type : String
  • Label : Theme layer icon
  • DefaultValue : images/icons/legend-theme.png
  • IsMandatory : false


  • Description : Icon to use for disabled layers
  • Type : String
  • Label : Disabled layer icon
  • DefaultValue : images/icons/legend-layer.png
  • IsMandatory : false


  • Description : Icon to use for layer information
  • Type : String
  • Label : Layer information icon
  • DefaultValue : images/icons/tree_layer_info.png
  • IsMandatory : false


  • Description : Icon to use for layer groups
  • Type : String
  • Label : Group information icon
  • DefaultValue : images/icons/tree_group_info.png
  • IsMandatory : false


  • Description : Icon to use for the root folder
  • Type : String
  • Label : Map root folder icon
  • DefaultValue : images/icons/legend-map.png
  • IsMandatory : false
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.