= Committers = The following people have been granted commit privileges to the Fusion SVN repository: == [http://www.dmsolutions.ca/ DM Solutions Group] == * Paul Spencer (pagameba) * Mike Adair (madair) * Yewondwossen Assefa (yassefa) * Zak James (zjames) * Jason Fournier (jfournier) * Shawn Barnes (sbarnes) * Bill Bronsema (wbronsema) == [http://www.mapgears.com/ MapGears] == * Daniel Morissette (dmorissette) * Alan Boudreault (aboudreault) * Julien Lacroix (jlacroix) == [http://www.autodesk.com Autodesk] == * Chris Claydon (chrisclaydon) = Proposed Contributor Agreements = The following agreements are based on the MapGuide and/or FDO ICLA and CCLA.