= ApplicationDefinition = The Fusion ApplicationDefinition is an XML document that controls what ends up in your application. The document should start with an xml block: {{{ }}} The main tag that contains everything else is the ApplicationDefinition tag: {{{ My Application }}} The main tag contains the following sub-tags: '''Title''': Occurs once. This tag contains a string value used to set the title of the web page when the application is run. '''[wiki:ApplicationDefinition/MapGroup MapGroup]''': Occurs at least once. This tag contains sub tags that define maps to be used in the application. '''[wiki:ApplicationDefinition/WidgetSet WidgetSet]''': Occurs at least once. This tag represents a visible map in the user interface, and describes widgets to be associated with the map. '''[wiki:ApplicationDefinition/Extension Extension]''': Occurs once. Contains extra parameters that are not part of the defined schema of the ApplicationDefinition.