Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of FdoSQLServerSpatialNotes

03/18/08 08:00:01 (17 years ago)



  • FdoSQLServerSpatialNotes

    v1 v1  
     2== SQL Server Spatial FDO Provider - Installation Notes ==
     5'''Installing SQL Server 2008'''
     7For the install, make sure that you select the option to allow for both Windows and SQL Server Authentication.
     9Once SQL Server 2008 is installed, run SQL Server Configuration Manager (Start->Programs->SQL 2008->Config tools). Select 'Protocols for MSSQLSERVER' on the left (under SQL Server Network Configuration) and then enable the 'TCP/IP' protocol. You will have to restart the server after this, which you can do with this tool as well. Choose SQL Server Services on the left and restart SQL Server.
     11'''Setting up the provider.'''
     13At this time, until we build an actual install tool, what we’re doing to set this up for MapGuide 2009 and other clients is to replace the current SQL Server provider via the providers.xml file. Take the new dlls and drop them into the fdo bin directories for your client applications (e.g. C:\Program Files\Autodesk\MapGuideEnterprise2009\Server\Bin\Fdo on my machine). Update the providers.xml file in those directories by finding the entry for the current SQL Server provider and modify the dll name. You can change the description as well to indicate 2008 if you want.
     14Here is what it should look like after changing the dll name and description:
     19    <Name>Autodesk.SqlServer.3.3</Name>
     20    <DisplayName>Autodesk FDO Provider for SQL Server </DisplayName>
     21    <Description>Read/write access to feature data in a MS SQL Server 2008-based data store. Supports geospatial and nongeospatial data and schema R/W access. </Description>
     22    <IsManaged>False</IsManaged>
     23    <Version></Version>
     24    <FeatureDataObjectsVersion></FeatureDataObjectsVersion>
     25    <LibraryPath>SqlServerSpatialProvider.dll</LibraryPath>
     26  </FeatureProvider>
     30You may change the display name and description as well, but nothing else.
     31Now, after installing the new dll's as described above, you can run MG 2009 or other clients based on FDO 3.3. Connect to 'localhost' and use the sa user and pwd that you defined when installing SQL 2008 or other SQL Server user account that you created.