= FDO PostGIS Provider Notes = This provider is a "work in progress", and this page is used to track relevent items during development, and will eventually turn into a usage notes page as the provider matures. If you are using the PostGIS provider, please be aware of these limitations: * Spatial tables must have entries in the geometry_columns table * The PostGIS provider currently does not support anything but lowercase identifiers consistently (database, table, column) * If you add a table in !MapGuide which does not contain a primary key, no columns will show up in the properties list * You need to run VACUUM ANALYSE on your spatial tables regularly if you want them to work well == Installation == * Copy the three DLL files into your fdo/bin directory * Add the following to your providers.xml file: {{{ OSGeo.PostGIS.3.2 OSGeo FDO Provider for PostGIS FDO Provider for PostGIS False .\PostGISProvider.dll }}} * Ensure that your computer has a version of the Postgresql/bin directory at the beginning of the SYSTEM part of the PATH environment variable, especially for server installations like !MapGuide * Reboot your computer == Connection Parameters == When you attempt to establish a connection with the PostGIS provider, you will need to fill in a number of parameters. These are described below: '''Username''':: Your postgresql userid '''Password''':: Your postgresql password '''Service''':: This is a connection string in the format "database@host:port" where @host and :port are optional if your database is on localhost and on the default port (5432) '''Datastore''':: This is the PostgreSQL schema the data is stored under. By default, all tables are stored under the "public" schema. However, this practice is not recommended as it makes postgis dump/restore procedures messy and difficult. == Open Tickets == [[TicketQuery(status=new|assigned|reopened&component^=PostGIS&order=priority)]]