Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of FDORfc60

Apr 13, 2011, 8:01:31 AM (13 years ago)



  • FDORfc60

    v4 v5  
     83There are no constraints on rows in this table, allowing a single feature table/geometry column pair to be annotated using text from different feature table columns.
     85==== OGC Annotation Metadata Column Descriptions ====
     87The fields in the Annotations metadata information view are given in:
     90||F_TABLE_CATALOG,[[BR]]F_TABLE_SCHEMA,[[BR]]F_TABLE_NAME||The fully qualified name of the feature table containing the geometry column to be annotated.||
     91||F_TEXT_KEY_COLUMN,[[BR]]F_TEXT_KEY_ENVELOPE_COLUMN||The names of the column in the feature table that contain: A KEY for the text to which the text elements can use as a point of aggregation. An ENVELOPE_COLUMN that contains a geometry object that acts as an envelope for the set of text elements in this text entity. This column should also be a valid geometry column.||
     92||A_ELEMENT_TABLE_CATALOG,[[BR]]A_ELEMENT_TABLE_SCHEMA,[[BR]]A_ELEMENT_TABLE_NAME||The fully qualified name of the text element table containing the text elements used for the F_Text columns column defined above||
     93||A_TEXT_ELEMENT_KEY_COLUMN,[[BR]]A_TEXT_ELEMENT_SEQ_COLUMN,[[BR]]A_TEXT_ELEMENT_VALUE_COLUMN,[[BR]]A_TEXT_ELEMENT_LEADERLINE_COLUMN,[[BR]]A_TEXT_ELEMENT_LOCATION_COLUMN,[[BR]]A_TEXT_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTES_COLUMN|| The names of the columns in the ELEMENT_TABLE that contain: [[BR]] The foreign KEY for the text entity as specified in the F_TEXT_KEY_COLUMN. [[BR]] A sequence (SEQ) column which will be used to order the text elements in this text entity. Any sortable type is valid for this column in the table, although integers would be the obvious choice. [[BR]] A text string VALUE for this text element. [[BR]] The LEADERLINE for this text element ⎯ if it has one (should also be a geometry column). [[BR]] The LOCATION for this text element (should also be a geometry column). [[BR]] The local text ATTRIBUTES providing the opportunity to override the text attributes currently in force. This is an XML type, and will be a collection of XML elements each describing a text attribute of the current text element. Unspecified attributes take the value most recently defined.||
     94||A_TEXT_DEFAULT_EXPRESSION,[[BR]]A_TEXT_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES||The default values for the corresponding “A_TEXT_” columns above, for cases where these columns are NULL in the feature table. They may be values or “query” expressions in terms of other columns in the database. These defaults shall be overridden on a row by row basis when the corresponding columns in the feature table row are not NULL.||