Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of FDORfc60

Apr 13, 2011, 9:06:47 AM (13 years ago)



  • FDORfc60

    v14 v15  
     402==== Selecting Annotation Text Objects Through FDO ====
     404Annotation Text instances owned by FDO features will be queryable and selectable through a new FDO Interface FdoIAnnotation. The FdoIAnnotation type will be considered a primary data type that can be accessed when reading FDO features, in the same manner that Raster, Association and Geometry are currently exposed. This will allow complex Annotation objects to be associated to logical features such as roads, pipes, etc.
     406The FdoIAnnotation Interface allows clients that interact with and maintain Annotation text to do so through a single interface. Whereas the data that completely defines the set of Text Elements may be spread across several logical classes, accessing the Annotation will be managed through a more linear mechanism that allows users to manage data with worrying where that data is stored.
     409class FdoIAnnotation : public FdoIDisposable
     412    FdoIEnvelope* TextEnvelope;
     413    FdoString* DefaultBaseMapScale;
     414    FdoExpression* DefaultTextValue;
     415    FdoString* DefaultTextAttributesAsXml;
     416    FdoAnnotationTextElementCollection* TextElements;
     420In this simplified view of FdoIAnnotation, we see how the Annotation’s text envelope, map scale, default values, and text elements are all available through a single interface.
     422From FdoIAnnotation, users are able to retrieve the collection of text attributes associated to the annotation. This is possible by accessing the TextElements property and iterating over the returned !FdoAnnotationTextElement Collection. Each object in the collection represents a piece of individual Annotation text.
     425class FdoAnnotationTextElement : public FdoIDisposable
     428    FdoByteArray*  Location;
     429    FdoByteArray*  LeaderLine;
     430    FdoExpression* TextValue;
     431    FdoString*     TextAttributesAsXml;
     435In order to access the above example data through the FDO logical model The FDO API’s !FdoFeatureReader class will be extended to allow Annotation properties to be queried by name and by index, in the same manner as Geometry and Raster properties are today queried.
     438class FdoIFeatureReader: public FdoIReader
     443    FdoIAnnotation* GetAnnotation(FdoString* propertyName);
     444    FdoIAnnotation* GetAnnotation(FdoInt32 index);
     449===== Querying Features with Annotation Properties =====
     451Using the above Road/!RoadAnnotation Example, here is an example of how Annotation properties would be queried from an FDO data store.
     454// Create a select command to retrieve Road features and its associated Annotations
     455FdoISelectP selectCmd = (FdoISelect*)conn->CreateCommand(FdoCommandType_Select);
     458// Add the class properties to the selection set, including the Annotation property
     459FdoIdentifierCollectionP props =  selectCmd->GetPropertyNames();
     466// The selection can be arbitrarily filtered against
     467FdoFilterP filter = FdoFilter::Parse(L"FeatId > 100");
     470// Execute the command and get a feature reader that points to the retrieved records
     471FdoIFeatureReaderP reader = selectCmd->Execute();
     472while (reader->ReadNext())
     474    // Get the Annotation property by name
     475    FdoPtr<FdoIAnnotation> annotation = reader->GetAnnotation(L"Annotation");
     477    // The annotation will have an envelope and default properties, some
     478    // or all of which may be NULL. Envelope is a Geometry ByteArray. The
     479    // Default Text will be an expression that can be evaluated as any
     480    // database value
     481    FdoByteArrayP envelope = annotation->GetEnvelope();
     482    FdoExpressionP defaultText = annotation->GetDefaultTextValue();
     483    FdoStringP defaultTextAttributes = annotation->GetDefaultTextAttibutesAsXml();
     484    const char* charArray = (const char*)textAttributes;
     486    // The TextAttributes would be an XML string that needs to be streamed into memory
     487    // and then Read into the XML API class FdoTextElementAttributes
     488    FdoIoMemoryStreamP stream = FdoIoMemoryStream::Create();
     489    stream->Write( (FdoByte*) charArray, strlen(charArray) );
     490    stream->Reset();
     492    // Create the XML API class that allows programatic access to the XML properties
     493    // and read the XML stream into the corresponding classes.
     494    FdoTextElementAttributesP defaultAttributes = FdoTextElementAttributes::Create();
     495    defaultAttributes->ReadXml(stream);
     497    // Each Annotation has 0...n Text Elements that are the actual text values
     498    FdoAnnotationTextElementCollectionP textElements = annotation->GetTextElements();
     499    for (FdoInt32 i=0; i<textElements->GetCount(); i++)
     500    {
     501        // Get the nth Text Element and read its values
     502        FdoAnnotationTextElementP textElement = textElements->GetItem(i);
     503        FdoExpressionP textValue = textElement->GetTextValue();
     504        FdoByteArrayP location = textElement->GetLocation();
     505        FdoByteArrayP leader = textElement->GetLeaderLine();
     507        // As seen above, the XML text will need to be parsed into its API clases
     508        FdoStringP textAttributes = textElement->GetTextAttributesAsXml();
     509        if (textAttributes != L"")
     510        {
     511            const char* charArrayA = (const char*)textAttributes;
     512            FdoIoMemoryStreamP streamA = FdoIoMemoryStream::Create();
     513            streamA->Write( (FdoByte*) charArrayA, strlen(charArrayA) );
     514            streamA->Reset();
     516            FdoTextElementAttributesP attributes = FdoTextElementAttributes::Create();
     517            attributes->ReadXml(streamA);
     518        }
     519    }