Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of FDORfc49

Jun 8, 2010, 11:07:51 AM (14 years ago)



  • FDORfc49

    v7 v8  
    9393The FDO Managed Interfaces will be updated in a similar manner to reflect the proposed C++ API changes.
     95Two new functions will be added in managed API to be able to pass special tolerances when needed.
     97public ref class SpatialUtility sealed
     100    /// \brief
     101    /// Evaluates if two FDO geometric objects spatially interact with each other based on a user supplied spatial operator.
     102    /// For example: Contains, Crosses, Disjoint, Equals, Intersects, Overlaps, Touches, Within, CoveredBy, Inside, EnvelopeIntersects.
     103    ///
     104    /// \param g1
     105    /// Input Left hand Geometry to Evaluate
     106    /// \param op
     107    /// Input The spatial operation to apply to the left and right hand geometries
     108    /// \param g2
     109    /// Input Right hand Geometry to Evaluate
     110    /// \param toleranceXY
     111    /// Input tolerance to used to compare XY coordinates
     112    ///
     113    /// \return
     114    /// Returns The tesselated Geometry.
     115    ///
     116        static System::Boolean Evaluate(NAMESPACE_OSGEO_GEOMETRY::IGeometry^ g1, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_FILTER::SpatialOperations op, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_GEOMETRY::IGeometry^ g2, double toleranceXY);
     118        /// \brief
     119    /// Evaluates if two FDO geometric objects spatially interact with each other based on a user supplied spatial operator.
     120    /// For example: Contains, Crosses, Disjoint, Equals, Intersects, Overlaps, Touches, Within, CoveredBy, Inside, EnvelopeIntersects.
     121    ///
     122    /// \param g1
     123    /// Input Left hand Geometry to Evaluate
     124    /// \param op
     125    /// Input The spatial operation to apply to the left and right hand geometries
     126    /// \param g2
     127    /// Input Right hand Geometry to Evaluate
     128    /// \param toleranceXY
     129    /// Input tolerance to used to compare XY coordinates
     130    /// \param toleranceZ
     131    /// Input tolerance to used to compare Z coordinate
     132    ///
     133    /// \return
     134    /// Returns The tesselated Geometry.
     135    ///
     136        static System::Boolean Evaluate(NAMESPACE_OSGEO_GEOMETRY::IGeometry^ g1, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_FILTER::SpatialOperations op, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_GEOMETRY::IGeometry^ g2, double toleranceXY, double toleranceZ);
    95140== Provider Implementation ==