Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of FDORfc49

Jun 8, 2010, 1:09:37 PM (14 years ago)



  • FDORfc49

    v9 v10  
     87            /// \brief
     88            /// Tests whether a point is within a ring or not.
     89            ///
     90            /// \param ring
     91            /// Input Ring to test
     92            /// \param x
     93            /// Input X ordinate.
     94            /// \param y
     95            /// Input Y ordinate.
     96            /// \param toleranceXY
     97            /// Input XY tolerance to evaluate the spatial condition
     98            ///
     99            /// \return
     100            /// Returns TRUE if the point is within ring or on its boundary, FALSE otherwise.
     101            ///
     102            FDO_SPATIAL_API static bool PointInRing(FdoILinearRing* ring,
     103                                                    double x,
     104                                                    double y,
     105                                                    double toleranceXY = 1e-10,
     106                                                    bool* isOnBoundary = NULL);
     108            /// \brief
     109            /// Tests whether a point is within a polygon (including its islands) or not.
     110            ///
     111            /// \param poly
     112            /// Input Polygon to test
     113            /// \param x
     114            /// Input X ordinate.
     115            /// \param y
     116            /// Input Y ordinate.
     117            /// \param toleranceXY
     118            /// Input XY tolerance to evaluate the spatial condition
     119            ///
     120            /// \return
     121            /// Returns TRUE if the point is within polygon or on its boundary, FALSE otherwise.
     122            ///
     123            FDO_SPATIAL_API static bool PointInPolygon(FdoIPolygon* poly,
     124                                                       double x,
     125                                                       double y,
     126                                                       double toleranceXY = 1e-10,
     127                                                       bool* isOnExtBoundary = NULL,
     128                                                       bool* isOnIntBoundary = NULL);
    93134The FDO Managed Interfaces will be updated in a similar manner to reflect the proposed C++ API changes.
    95 Two new functions will be added in managed API to be able to pass special tolerances when needed.
     136New functions will be added in managed API to be able to pass special tolerances when needed.
    97138public ref class SpatialUtility sealed
    135176    ///
    136177    static System::Boolean Evaluate(NAMESPACE_OSGEO_GEOMETRY::IGeometry^ g1, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_FDO_FILTER::SpatialOperations op, NAMESPACE_OSGEO_GEOMETRY::IGeometry^ g2, double toleranceXY, double toleranceZ);
     179    /// \brief
     180    /// Tests whether a point is within a ring or not.
     181    ///
     182    /// \param ring
     183    /// Input Ring to test
     184    /// \param coordinateX
     185    /// Input X ordinate.
     186    /// \param coordinateY
     187    /// Input Y ordinate.
     188    /// \param toleranceXY
     189    /// Input tolerance to used to compare XY coordinates
     190    ///
     191    /// \return
     192    /// Returns TRUE if the point is within ring or on its boundary, FALSE otherwise.
     193    ///
     194    static System::Boolean PointInRing( NAMESPACE_OSGEO_GEOMETRY::ILinearRing^ ring, System::Double coordinateX, System::Double coordinateY, double toleranceXY, System::Boolean% isOnBoundary);
     195    static System::Boolean PointInRing( NAMESPACE_OSGEO_GEOMETRY::ILinearRing^ ring, System::Double coordinateX, System::Double coordinateY, double toleranceXY);
     197    /// \brief
     198    /// Tests whether a point is within a polygon (including its islands) or not.
     199    ///
     200    /// \param polygon
     201    /// Input Polygon to test
     202    /// \param coordinateX
     203    /// Input X ordinate.
     204    /// \param coordinateY
     205    /// Input Y ordinate.
     206    /// \param toleranceXY
     207    /// Input tolerance to used to compare XY coordinates
     208    ///
     209    /// \return
     210    /// Returns TRUE if the point is within polygon or on its boundary, FALSE otherwise.
     211    ///
     212    static System::Boolean PointInPolygon(NAMESPACE_OSGEO_GEOMETRY::IPolygon^ polygon, System::Double coordinateX, System::Double coordinateY, double toleranceXY);
     213    static System::Boolean PointInPolygon(NAMESPACE_OSGEO_GEOMETRY::IPolygon^ polygon, System::Double coordinateX, System::Double coordinateY, double toleranceXY, System::Boolean% isOnExtBoundary);
     214    static System::Boolean PointInPolygon(NAMESPACE_OSGEO_GEOMETRY::IPolygon^ polygon, System::Double coordinateX, System::Double coordinateY, double toleranceXY, System::Boolean% isOnExtBoundary, System::Boolean% isOnInBoundary);