Changes between Version 28 and Version 29 of FDORfc33

Apr 16, 2009, 9:00:58 AM (15 years ago)



  • FDORfc33

    v28 v29  
    3737In cases where the resulting columns come from an existing FDO feature table, a provider can return the class definition corresponding to that table. In cases where the columns come from an unknown table, a class definition can be constructed on the fly. By definition, the FDO class definition returned by a feature reader does not necessarily correspond exactly to an existing FDO class definition. Existing class definitions may contain the properties that were asked for in the Select command, plus additional computed properties. It is perfectly legal to return a constructed class definition, which is only valid for the select that was executed, and not usable for further updates or inserts.
    39 In the circumstance that a computed class is generated, the FDO class definition’s !IsComputed property will return true. In that manner, applications are able to distinguish the content of the feature reader responses coming from the providers and tailor their implementations accordingly. In such a situation, some care will also need to be given to the name of the generated schema and classes. At this point there is no standards exist. It would be beneficial if as a result of this RFC, some uniform conventions could be adopted.
     39In the circumstance that a computed class is generated, the FDO class definition’s !IsComputed property will return true. In that manner, applications are able to distinguish the content of the feature reader responses coming from the providers and tailor their implementation accordingly. In such a situation, some care will also need to be given to the name of the generated schema and classes. At this point no standards exist for naming auto-generated or comuted schema, class and property names. It would be beneficial if, as a result of this RFC, some uniform conventions could be adopted.
    4141Providers that do return feature readers from SQL commands will need to come up with the appropriate class definition that the feature reader could expose. Here are a few general use cases that can be used to guide their implementations: