Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of FDORfc33

Apr 9, 2009, 11:01:09 AM (15 years ago)



  • FDORfc33

    v9 v10  
    4343    - Select is against a table that has an existing class definition and the select returns the same information as defined by the class definition (e.g. select * from roads).
    4444    - Select is against a table that has an existing class definition, but the select returns other information such as a subset of properties or additional computed properties. The FDO select command handles this type of case as well. The class definition returned by the feature reader includes the specific properties for that select.
    45     - Select is against a table that doesn’t have an existing class definition. We’ll have to generate a temporary class definition.
    46     - Select is against a table that has an existing class definition, but the select is an aggregation that doesn’t return actual objects (e.g. select count(*), max(length) from roads). In this case it doesn’t make sense to return the same class name as for the underlying table since we’re not actually returning road objects at all. This is basically another temporary class definition.
     45    - Select is against a table that doesn’t have an existing class definition. Providers will be required to generate a temporary class definition.
     46    - Select is against a table that has an existing class definition, but the select is an aggregation that doesn’t return actual objects (e.g. select count(*), max(length) from roads). In this case it doesn’t make sense for the provider to return the same class name as for the underlying table since it is not actually returning road objects at all. This is basically another temporary class definition.