= FDO RFC 28 - Add X,Y,Z and M Expression Functions = This page contains a request for comments document (RFC) for the FDO Open Source project. More FDO RFCs can be found on the [wiki:FDORfcs RFCs] page. == Status == ||RFC Template Version||(1.0)|| ||Submission Date||October 20, 2008|| ||Last Modified||Robert Fortin[[Timestamp]]|| ||Author||Greg Boone|| ||RFC Status||Draft|| ||Implementation Status ||Pending|| ||Proposed Milestone|||| ||Assigned PSC guide(s)||Greg Boone|| ||'''Voting History'''|| || ||+1|||| ||+0|||| ||-0|||| ||-1|||| == Overview == This RFC follows from RFC 8 by adding geometric functions to retrieve the X, Y, Z and M value of a point. == Signatures == This RFC proposes the following signatures for the new functions: {{{ double X(); double Y(); double Z(); double M(); }}} All of the above functions accept a geometry property of type point only. if the geometry is not a point or if the dimension of the geometry prevent from returning a proper value (e.g. Z() function on a 2D geometry), a null value is returned. === Example === {{{ FdoPtr select = (FdoISelect*)mConnection->CreateCommand (FdoCommandType_Select); select->SetFeatureClassName (L"POLE"); FdoPtr idColl = select->GetPropertyNames(); FdoPtr functionArgs = FdoExpressionCollection::Create(); FdoPtr arg1 = FdoIdentifier::Create(L"GEOMETRY"); functionArgs->Add(arg1); FdoPtr expr = FdoFunction::Create(L"X", functionArgs); FdoPtr computedId = FdoComputedIdentifier::Create(L"POLE_X", expr); idColl->Add(computedId); FdoPtr reader = select->Execute (); }}} == Standard Considerations == During the initial proposal of this RFC (which was focusing on returning the StartX/Y/Z and EndX/Y/Z of any geometry), many altertives were considered. The concensus was that FDO should try to adopt an existing standard. The function signatures adopted here are based on the OGC [http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/sfa Simple Feature Access] standard. Other functions were considered for the initial RFC proposal but are __outside the scope__ of this RFC: !StartPoint(): Point[[BR]] !EndPoint(): Point[[BR]] !NumPoints(): Int[[BR]] PointN(N): Point[[BR]] Using these additional functions in combination with the X,Y,Z and M functions, it would have been possible to return the start and end coordinate for other type of geometry. Example: To retrieve the X value for the first point of a line --> X(!StartPoint() or X(PointN(1, )[[BR]] To retrieve the Y value for the last point of a line --> Y(!EndPoint() or X(PointN(!NumPoints(, )[[BR]] == Affected Providers == This enhancement is being targeted to only affect the following providers: SDF. However, if a shared generic implementation can be designed, these functions may also be exposed through the SHP provider. == Required FDO Enhancements == No FDO enhancements are required. == Implications == This change will not cause any side-effects. No existing provider needs to change unless the provider wants to expose the new capability. == Test Plan == Existing unit tests will be enhanced to test those changes. == Funding/Resources == Autodesk to provide resource / funding to implement the feature for the affected providers.