Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #220

Jan 10, 2008, 3:18:28 PM (17 years ago)


  • Ticket #220

    • Property Status newassigned
  • Ticket #220 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 1. Launch AutoCAD Map 2009 and create a new drawing
    2 2. Create a SHP connection and load a set of point data.
    3 3. Create a FDO connection to a MySQL Server
    4 4. New a mysql datastore, specify the coordinate system as CA83IIIF
    5 5. Bulk copy data from SHP to the new MySql data source
    6 6. Select MySQL connection in FDO, and add the data to the map
    7 7. Right click the layer in Display manager, select Create -> Create New Multipoint school_private_pts
    8 8. Create three points in the map and press Enter
    9 9. Click check in toolbar button to check in the new features
     11. Launch AutoCAD Map 2009 and create a new drawing[[BR]]
     22. Create a SHP connection and load a set of point data[[BR]]
     33. Create a FDO connection to a MySQL Server[[BR]]
     44. New a mysql datastore, specify the coordinate system as CA83IIIF[[BR]]
     55. Bulk copy data from SHP to the new !MySql data source[[BR]]
     66. Select MySQL connection in FDO, and add the data to the map[[BR]]
     77. Right click the layer in Display manager, select Create -> Create New Multipoint school_private_pts [[BR]]
     88. Create three points in the map and press Enter[[BR]]
     99. Click check in toolbar button to check in the new features[[BR]]
    1111Result: Error message appears, Feature was not saved in the target feature source. Failed to insert feature. Shape type mismatch on geometric property 'Geometry' of the feature class 'school_private_pts'.