Using dictionary files in the ..\Dictionaries\ directory. Random number seed = 8078. [ M]Auditing the NameMapper table EPSG ellipsoid 'CGCS2000' [1024] not mapped to a CS-MAP ellipsoid. Name Mapper name [Xian 1980] not the same as EPSG database name for ellipsoid 'IAG 1975' [7049]. Deprecated EPSG ellipsoid 'Popular Visualisation Sphere' [7059] maps to CS-MAP 'VisualisationSphere' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. Ellipsoid Audit: ok = 50, noMap = 1, missingDef = 0, deprecationErr = 1, nameDiff = 1, EPSGaccess = 0 Deprecated EPSG datum 'Reseau de Reference des Antilles Francaises 1991' [6640] maps to CS-MAP 'Antilles91' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. Name Mapper name [Pico de la Nieves] not the same as EPSG database name for datum 'Pico de las Nieves 1984' [6728]. Name Mapper name [Karbala 1979 (Polservice)] not the same as EPSG database name for datum 'Karbala 1979' [6743]. Datum Audit: ok = 274, noMap = 117, missingDef = 0, deprecationErr = 1,nameDiff = 2, EPSGaccess = 0 Name Mapper name [Pampa del Castillo / Argentina zone 2] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'Pampa del Castillo / Argentina 2' [2082]. Name Mapper name [Hito XVIII 1963 / Argentina zone 2] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'Hito XVIII 1963 / Argentina 2' [2083]. Deprecated EPSG CRS 'MGI / Slovenia Grid' [2170] maps to CS-MAP 'MGI/gc.Slovenia' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. Deprecated EPSG CRS 'RRAF 1991 / UTM zone 20N' [2989] maps to CS-MAP 'RRAF91.UTM-20N' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. Name Mapper name [ETRS89 / ETRS-LCC] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'ETRS89 / LCC Europe' [3034]. Name Mapper name [ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'ETRS89 / LAEA Europe' [3035]. Name Mapper name [ETRS89 / ETRS-TM26] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'ETRS89 / TM26' [3038]. Name Mapper name [ETRS89 / ETRS-TM27] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'ETRS89 / TM27' [3039]. Name Mapper name [ETRS89 / ETRS-TM28] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'ETRS89 / TM28' [3040]. Name Mapper name [ETRS89 / ETRS-TM29] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'ETRS89 / TM29' [3041]. Name Mapper name [ETRS89 / ETRS-TM30] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'ETRS89 / TM30' [3042]. Name Mapper name [ETRS89 / ETRS-TM31] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'ETRS89 / TM31' [3043]. Name Mapper name [ETRS89 / ETRS-TM32] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'ETRS89 / TM32' [3044]. Name Mapper name [ETRS89 / ETRS-TM33] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'ETRS89 / TM33' [3045]. Name Mapper name [ETRS89 / ETRS-TM34] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'ETRS89 / TM34' [3046]. Name Mapper name [ETRS89 / ETRS-TM35] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'ETRS89 / TM35' [3047]. Name Mapper name [ETRS89 / ETRS-TM36] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'ETRS89 / TM36' [3048]. Name Mapper name [ETRS89 / ETRS-TM37] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'ETRS89 / TM37' [3049]. Name Mapper name [ETRS89 / ETRS-TM38] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'ETRS89 / TM38' [3050]. Name Mapper name [ETRS89 / ETRS-TM39] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'ETRS89 / TM39' [3051]. EPSG code which appears in definition of CRS named 'Pulkovo42.GK3d-60/1' does not match current EPSG database. Deprecated EPSG CRS 'NAD83 / South Dakota North (ftUS)' [3454] maps to CS-MAP 'SD83-NF' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. EPSG CRS 'NAD83(HARN)' [4152] maps to CS-MAP 'LL-HPGN' which is in the LEGACY group. Deprecated EPSG CRS 'RRAF 1991' [4640] maps to CS-MAP 'Antilles91.LL' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. Name Mapper name [Pico de la Nieves] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'Pico de las Nieves 1984' [4728]. Name Mapper name [Karbala 1979 (Polservice)] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'Karbala 1979' [4743]. Deprecated EPSG CRS 'MGI / 3-degree Gauss zone 5' [31265] maps to CS-MAP 'MGI/gc.Gauss3d-5' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. Deprecated EPSG CRS 'MGI / 3-degree Gauss zone 6' [31266] maps to CS-MAP 'MGI/gc.Gauss3d-6' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. Deprecated EPSG CRS 'MGI / 3-degree Gauss zone 7' [31267] maps to CS-MAP 'MGI/gc.Gauss3d-7' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. Deprecated EPSG CRS 'MGI / 3-degree Gauss zone 8' [31268] maps to CS-MAP 'MGI/gc.Gauss3d-8' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. Deprecated EPSG CRS 'MGI / Balkans zone 5' [31275] maps to CS-MAP 'MGI/gc.Balkans-5' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. Deprecated EPSG CRS 'MGI / Balkans zone 6' [31276] maps to CS-MAP 'MGI/gc.Balkans-6' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. Deprecated EPSG CRS 'MGI / Balkans zone 7' [31277] maps to CS-MAP 'MGI/gc.Balkans-7' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. Deprecated EPSG CRS 'MGI / Balkans zone 8' [31279] maps to CS-MAP 'MGI/gc.Balkans-8' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. Deprecated EPSG CRS 'MGI / Austria Lambert' [31297] maps to CS-MAP 'MGI/gc.AustriaLambert' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. EPSG code which appears in definition of CRS named 'MGI/gc.AustriaLambert' does not match current EPSG database. Deprecated EPSG CRS 'NAD27 / New York Long Island' [32018] maps to CS-MAP 'NY-LI' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. Deprecated EPSG CRS 'NAD27 / Pennsylvania South' [32029] maps to CS-MAP 'PA-S' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. Name Mapper name [WGS 84 / UPS North] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'WGS 84 / UPS North (N,E)' [32661]. Deprecated EPSG CRS 'WGS 84 / World Equidistant Cylindrical' [32663] maps to CS-MAP 'WGS84.PlateCarree' which is _NOT_ in the LEGACY group. Name Mapper name [WGS 84 / UPS South] not the same as EPSG database name for CRS 'WGS 84 / UPS South (N,E)' [32761]. Coordinate System Audit: ok = 2720, noMap = 741, missingDef = 0, deprecationErr = 17, nameDiff = 22, EPSGaccess = 0 Test M failed (41 failures detected)! [ N] Comparing dictionaries to EPSG. Ellipsoid Test: ok = 48, different = 0, noCvt = 0, failed = 0 CS-MAP datum 'Kartasto66' differs from EPSG 'Kartastokoordinaattijarjestelma (1966)' [6123:1639 (1 of 2)]: Kartasto66: X Rotation was -4.090, is now 4.090 CS-MAP datum 'TETE' differs from EPSG 'Tete' [6127:1683 (1 of 5)]: TETE: X Rotation was 0.058, is now -0.058 CS-MAP datum 'Estonia92' differs from EPSG 'Estonia 1992' [6133:1333 (1 of 1)]: Estonia92: X Rotation was -0.018, is now 0.018 CS-MAP datum 'PDOSurvey93' differs from EPSG 'PDO Survey Datum 1993' [6134:1439 (1 of 3)]: PDOSurvey93: X Rotation was 0.810, is now -0.810 CS-MAP datum 'Czech/JTSK' differs from EPSG 'Jednotne Trigonometricke Site Katastralni' [6156:15965 (3 of 3)]: Datum transformation method on datum named Czech/JTSK does not match. Method was 9, is now 25 CS-MAP datum 'NAPARIMA' differs from EPSG 'Naparima 1955' [6158:1556 (3 of 2)]: NAPARIMA: Delta X was -10.000, is now -2.000 CS-MAP datum 'Pulkovo42/83' differs from EPSG 'Pulkovo 1942(83)' [6178:1675 (1 of 3)]: Pulkovo42/83: X Rotation was -0.020, is now 0.020 CS-MAP datum 'Pulkovo42/58' differs from EPSG 'Pulkovo 1942(58)' [6179:1645 (1 of 6)]: Pulkovo42/58: X Rotation was 0.359, is now -0.359 CS-MAP datum 'Luxembourg30' differs from EPSG 'Luxembourg 1930' [6181:1643 (1 of 2)]: Luxembourg30: X Rotation was 0.410, is now -0.410 CS-MAP datum 'Scoresbysund52' differs from EPSG 'Scoresbysund 1952' [6195:1799 (1 of 1)]: Scoresbysund52: Z Rotation was -0.814, is now 0.814 CS-MAP datum 'Ammassalik58' differs from EPSG 'Ammassalik 1958' [6196:1800 (1 of 1)]: Ammassalik58: Z Rotation was -0.814, is now 0.814 CS-MAP datum 'Lisbon37' differs from EPSG 'Lisbon 1937' [6207:1984 (3 of 3)]: Datum transformation method on datum named Lisbon37 does not match. Method was 9, is now 25 CS-MAP datum 'Beijing1954' differs from EPSG 'Beijing 1954' [6214:15919 (2 of 6)]: Datum transformation method on datum named Beijing1954 does not match. Method was 25, is now 3 CS-MAP datum 'DeirEzZor_1' differs from EPSG 'Deir ez Zor' [6227:15741 (2 of 6)]: DeirEzZor_1: Delta X was -177.500, is now -187.500 CS-MAP datum 'ERP50-7P' differs from EPSG 'European Datum 1950' [6230:1613 (24 of 41)]: ERP50-7P: Delta X was -102.000, is now -90.365 CS-MAP datum 'HD72-7P-CORR' differs from EPSG 'Hungarian Datum 1972' [6237:1830 (1 of 4)]: HD72-7P-CORR: X Rotation was 0.370, is now -0.370 CS-MAP datum 'HitoXVIII63' differs from EPSG 'Hito XVIII 1963' [6254:1529 (1 of 2)]: HitoXVIII63: X Rotation was -0.056, is now 0.056 CS-MAP datum 'NGO48' differs from EPSG 'NGO 1948' [6273:1654 (1 of 1)]: NGO48: X Rotation was -7.889, is now 7.889 CS-MAP datum 'Datum73-MOD' differs from EPSG 'Datum 73' [6274:1983 (3 of 3)]: Datum transformation method on datum named Datum73-MOD does not match. Method was 9, is now 25 CS-MAP datum 'Amersfoort' differs from EPSG 'Amersfoort' [6289:1112 (1 of 4)]: Datum transformation method on datum named Amersfoort does not match. Method was 1, is now 3 CS-MAP datum 'SAPPER' differs from EPSG 'Sapper Hill 1943' [6292:1225 (1 of 1)]: SAPPER: Delta Y was 16.000, is now 21.000 CS-MAP datum 'Timbalai' differs from EPSG 'Timbalai 1948' [6298:1228 (1 of 4)]: TIMBALAI: Delta X was -689.000, is now -679.000 CS-MAP datum 'TM1965' differs from EPSG 'TM65' [6299:1641 (2 of 1)]: Datum transformation method on datum named TM1965 does not match. Method was 25, is now 3 CS-MAP datum 'Belge72' differs from EPSG 'Reseau National Belge 1972' [6313:1609 (1 of 3)]: Belge72: Scale was 0.99999900, is now -1.00000000 CS-MAP datum 'DHDN' differs from EPSG 'Deutsches Hauptdreiecksnetz' [6314:15949 (4 of 4)]: Datum transformation method on datum named DHDN does not match. Method was 9, is now 23 CS-MAP datum 'WGS72-TBE' differs from EPSG 'WGS 72 Transit Broadcast Ephemeris' [6324:1240 (1 of 1)]: WGS72-TBE: Z Rotation was -0.814, is now 0.814 CS-MAP datum 'HongKong80' differs from EPSG 'Hong Kong 1980' [6611:1825 (1 of 1)]: HongKong80: X Rotation was -0.068, is now 0.068 CS-MAP datum 'QatarNtl95' differs from EPSG 'Qatar National Datum 1995' [6614:1840 (1 of 1)]: QatarNtl95: X Rotation was -1.164, is now 1.164 CS-MAP datum 'Guyane95' differs from EPSG 'Reseau Geodesique Francais Guyane 1995' [6624:4840 (2 of 1)]: Guyane95: Delta X was 2.000, is now 0.000 CS-MAP datum 'MOP1978' differs from EPSG 'MOP78' [6639:15847 (2 of 1)]: MOP1978: Delta X was 252.000, is now 253.000 CS-MAP datum 'ST84IleDesPins' differs from EPSG 'ST84 Ile des Pins' [6642:15848 (2 of 1)]: Datum transformation method on datum named ST84IleDesPins does not match. Method was 9, is now 25 CS-MAP datum 'ST71Belep' differs from EPSG 'ST71 Belep' [6643:1931 (1 of 1)]: ST71Belep: X Rotation was -16.312, is now 16.312 CS-MAP datum 'NEA74Noumea' differs from EPSG 'NEA74 Noumea' [6644:15904 (2 of 1)]: Datum transformation method on datum named NEA74Noumea does not match. Method was 9, is now 25 Datum Test: ok = 217, different = 33, noCvt = 6, failed = 0 Coordsys Test: ok = 2596, different = 0, noCvt = 88, failed = 0 Test N failed (33 failures detected)! 0 tests completed successfully. 2 tests failed!!!! Press any key to continue: