
Version 2 (modified by Bas Couwenberg, 8 years ago) ( diff )

Reorder packages to account for interdependencies

To make uploading and building efficient it's best to upload the lowest level libraries first and the end applications last. Here's a suggested order.

Note that if an early dependency gets an update, several of the later end user applications may need a rebuild to use it.

Group 1

  1. proj
  2. freexl
  3. geos
  4. spatialite
  5. gdal
  6. libgdal-ecw/mrsid
  7. openscenegraph

Group 2

  1. postgis
  2. pgrouting
  3. tilecache
  4. mapserver
  5. tinyows
  6. ossim
  7. otb
  8. saga
  9. qgis
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