Changes between Version 56 and Version 57 of WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking02

Mar 10, 2011, 4:09:53 PM (13 years ago)


  • WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking02

    v56 v57  
    184  TBD
     184 Set a set of pixel to a value.
     186 '''Variants'''
     188 The first series of variant set a defined area of the raster to a value.
     190  1) ST_SetValues(rast raster, band int, x int, y int, width int, height int, val float8, keepdestnodata boolean)
     192  2) ST_SetValues(rast raster, x int, y int, width int, height int, val float8, keepdestnodata boolean)
     194  3) ST_SetValues(rast raster, x int, y int, width int, height int, val float8)
     196  4) ST_SetValues(rast raster, band int, x int, y int, width int, height int, val float8)
     198 The second series of variant set a defined area of the raster to corresponding values of another raster.
     200  5) ST_SetValues(rast1 raster, band1 int, x int, y int, width int, height int, rast2 raster, band2 int, keepdestnodata boolean, keepsourcenodata boolean)
     202  6) ST_SetValues(rast1 raster, x int, y int, width int, height int, rast2 raster, keepdestnodata boolean, keepsourcenodata boolean)
     204  7) ST_SetValues(rast1 raster, x int, y int, width int, height int, rast2 raster)
     206 x, y, width & height define the area of the raster to be edited. x & y are the raster coordinates of the upper left corner of this are. When x, y, width or height are out of the raster range, only the part of the range intersecting with the raster is set to the new value.
     208 val is the new value to be set.
     210 When keepdestnodata is TRUE, destination nodata value pixels are not set. Default is FALSE so that nodata value pixels are set.
     212 When keepsourcenodata is TRUE, source nodata value pixels are not copied. Default is FALSE so that nodata value pixels are copied.
     214 Variant 2 assume band to be 1.
     216 Variant 3 assume band to be 1 and keepdestnodata to be FALSE.
     218 Variant 4 assume only keepdestnodata to be FALSE.
     220 Variant 6 assume both bands to be 1.
     222 Variant 7 assume both bands to be 1, keepdestnodata to be FALSE and keepsourcenodata to be FALSE.
     224 '''Implementation details'''
     226 PL/pgSQL prototypes can be found in