Changes between Version 24 and Version 25 of WKTRaster/SpecificationFinal01

Aug 27, 2010, 11:51:11 AM (14 years ago)


  • WKTRaster/SpecificationFinal01

    v24 v25  
    110110'''ST_BandNoDataValue(raster, integer) -> float32'''[[BR]]
    111111Return the !NoDataValue of the specified  1-based Nth band of raster. Band index is 1-based. The value is always returned as a float32 even if the pixel type is integer.
     114== '''Objective 0.1.6e - Being able to intersect vector and raster to produce vector.''' ==
     116List of PostGIS functions similar or related to ST_GetBBox(), ST_Envelope() and ST_Polygon():
     118[ ST_Boundary(geometry)] (not really - always return a geometry a dimension lower - i.e. the boundary of a polygon is a polyline.)
     120ST_box(geometry) (return a PostgreSQL box object)
     122[ ST_box2d(geometry)] (return a box2d object)
     124[ ST_box3d(geometry)] (return a box3d object)
     126getBBOX(geometry) (Deprecation in 1.2.3)
     128[ ST_Envelope(geometry)] Returns the minimum bounding box for the supplied geometry, as a geometry. The polygon is defined by the corner points of the bounding box ((MINX, MINY), (MINX, MAXY), (MAXX, MAXY), (MAXX, MINY), (MINX, MINY)). (PostGIS will add a ZMIN/ZMAX coordinate as well). In PostGIS, the bounding box of a geometry is represented internally using float4s instead of float8s that are used to store geometries. The bounding box coordinates are floored, guarenteeing that the geometry is contained entirely within its bounds. This has the advantage that a geometry's bounding box is half the size as the minimum bounding rectangle, which means significantly faster indexes and general performance. But it also means that the bounding box is NOT the same as the minimum bounding rectangle that bounds the geometry.
     130envelope(geometry) (Deprecation in 1.2.3)
     132[ ST_extent(geometry set)]
     134[ ST_ExteriorRing(geometry)]
     136[ ST_ConvexHull(geometry)]
     138'''Function definitions for WKT Raster 0.1.6'''
     140ST_GetBBox(raster) (not yet implemented but planned) is replaced with ST_Envelope() since there is no more an equivalent ST_GetBBox function in PostGIS.
     142ST_Raster_to_box2d(raster) should be renamed ST_box2d(raster).
     144'''ST_Box2D(raster) -> BOX2D''' - Returns a BOX2D representing the extent of the raster.
     146 If the raster is rotated, the result is a box2d enclosing the rotated raster.
     148 The only difference with ST_Envelope(raster) is that ST_Box2D(raster) returns a BOX2D, not a geometry.
     150 '''Implementation details'''
     152 This function is not anymore available in PostGIS 1.5 and is therefore probably not worth implementing.
     154 This function replaces ST_Raster_to_box2d() and should be used for the "raster AS box2d" cast. It should also be used instead of ST_raster_envelope() when creating indexes in (to be tested).
     156'''ST_Envelope(raster) -> polygon geometry''' - Returns the minimum bounding box for the supplied raster, as a geometry.
     158 If the raster is rotated, the envelope is a non-rotated box enclosing the rotated raster.
     160 The only difference with ST_Box2D(raster) is that ST_Envelope(raster) returns a geometry, not a BOX2D.
     163 '''Implementation details'''
     165 This function should be implemented as a SQL or a PL/pgSQL function looking like: 'SELECT ST_geometry(ST_Box2D(rast))'
     167 There is already a ST_raster_envelope() function but this has actually the behavior of the ST_ConvexHull(raster) described below. There is also a ticket (#348) related to this function:
     171'''ST_ConvexHull(raster) -> polygon geometry''' - Returns the minimum convex geometry that encloses every pixel from the raster.
     173 The resulting polygon DOES NOT TAKE the NODATA values into account. The resulting polygon enclose every pixel, even those containing NODATA values. The resulting polygon can be rotated or not depending on the rotation of the raster. If the raster is not rotated ST_ConvexHull(geometry) is (almost) equivalent to ST_Envelope(raster) (ST_Envelope floor the coordinates and hence add a little buffer around the raster).
     175 '''Implementation details'''
     177 This function is actually already implemented by the ST_raster_envelope() function which is wrongly named. There is also a ticket (#348) related to this function:
     179'''ST_Polygon(raster, integer) -> polygon geometry''' - Returns a geometry encomparsing every pixel having a significant value (different than the NODATA value) for the provided band.
     181 This polygon geometry might contain holes if some internal areas of the raster contain pixels with NODATA values.
     183 Variant 1: ST_Polygon(raster) -> polygon geometry -- default to band # 1
     185 '''Implementation details'''
     187 Could also be named ST_Outline().
     189 This function could be roughly implemented as a SQL function looking like 'SELECT ST_Collect((ST_DumpAsPolygons(raster)).geom)'. For sure a more specialised version could be faster than ST_AsPolygon.
     191'''ST_DumpAsPolygons(raster, integer) -> geomval set''' - Returns a set of "geomval" value, one for each contiguous group of pixel sharing the same value for the provided band.
     193 This is a set-returning function (SRF). A "geomval" value is a complex type composed of a polygon geometry (one for each contiguous group of pixel sharing the same value) and the value associated with this geometry. These values are always returned as a value of type double precision. The shape of each polygon follow pixels edges.
     195 Variant 1: ST_DumpAsPolygons(raster) -> geomval set -- default to band # 1
     197 This function should be used with precaution on raster with float pixel type as it could return one "geomval" (or polygon) per pixel. This kind of raster should be reclassified (using the planned ST_Reclassify(raster,...) function) before using ST_DumpAsPolygons().
     199 '''Implementation details'''
     201 This function is at the base of the first version of ST_Intersection which compute the intersection between a raster and a geometry.
     203 To avoid linking directly with PostGIS (see "Why avoid to link with PostGIS?" below) It should be implemented as a SQL wrapper around DumpAsWKTPolygons() looking something like this:
     205 CREATE TYPE geomval AS (geom geometry, val float8);[[BR]]
     206 CREATE TYPE wktgeomval AS (wktgeom text, val float8);
     208 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_DumpAsPolygons(rast raster) RETURNS SETOF geomval AS $$[[BR]]
     209     SELECT ST_GeomFromText(wktgeomval.wktgeom), wktgeomval.val FROM DumpAsWKTPolygons(%1) AS wktgeomval;[[BR]]
     210 $$ LANGUAGE SQL;
     212 It should then be used like this:
     214 SELECT (gv).val, (gv).geom FROM (SELECT ST_DumpAsPolygons(rast) gv FROM sometable) foo
     218'''DumpAsWKTPolygons(raster, integer) -> wktgeomval set''' - Returns a set of "geomval" value, one for each group of pixel sharing the same value for the provided band.
     220 Variant 1: DumpAsWKTPolygons(raster) -> wktgeomval set -- default to band # 1
     222 This is a set-returning function (SRF). A "wktgeomval " value is a complex type composed of a the wkt representation of a geometry (one for each group of pixel sharing the same value) and the value associated with this geometry. These values are always returned as a value of type double precision. The shape of each polygon follow pixels edges. Areas with NODATA values are not included in the resulting set.
     224 This function should be used with precaution on raster with float pixel type as it could return one "geomval" (or polygon) per pixel. This kind of raster should be reclassified (using the planned ST_Reclassify(raster,...) function) before using DumpAsWKTPolygons().
     226 DumpAsWKTPolygons() should not be used directly. Use ST_DumpAsPolygons() instead.
     228 '''Implementation details'''
     230 This function construct the WKT strings representing the geometries grouping pixels of a raster having the same value. It does not directly construct geometries and therefore prevent WKT Raster from having to link with liblwgeom.a (see "Why avoid to link with PostGIS?" below) It should also return the value associated with this WKT polygon.
     232 It should be implemented as a C function passing the raster to GDAL and converting each polygon produced by the [ GDALPolygonize function] to a WKT string accompagned by its corresponding value in a wktgeomval type. See on how to return rows and sets in a C function.
     235'''ST_Intersects(raster, integer, geometry) -> boolean''' - Returns TRUE if the geometry and the raster "spatially intersect" - (share any portion of space) and FALSE if they don't (they are disjoint).
     237 Variant 1: ST_Intersects(geometry, raster, integer) -> boolean -- the third parameter is the raster band number
     239 Variant 2: ST_Intersects(geometry, raster) -> boolean -- default to band # 1
     241 Variant 3: ST_Intersects(raster, geometry) -> boolean -- default to band # 1
     243 Variant 4: ST_Intersects(raster, raster) -> boolean
     245 This function permform a full intersection test and proceed in three steps to determine if the raster intersects with the geometry:
     247 1) First, it checks if the bounding box of the raster intersects with the bounding box of the geometry.
     249 2) If the first test returns TRUE, it checks if the geometry returned by ST_ConvexHull(raster) intersects with the geometry.
     251 3) If the second test returns TRUE, it checks if the geometry returned by ST_Polygon(raster, integer) intersects with the geometry. This test is slower since it involve the computation of the raster shape and it might involve the geometry shape. This test takes NODATA values into account. i.e. A geometry intersecting only with a NODATA value area of a raster is NOT actually not intersecting with this raster. This behavior may be controled by limiting the test to certain conditions as stated below.
     253 Variant 4 proceeds in a very similar way except that convex hulls of both rasters are computed and compared in step 2) and both shape of raster are computed and compared in step 3).
     255 If you want to limit the intersection test to the first condition, simply use the && operator. The raster and the geometry will be casted to their respective bounding box (box2d objects):
     257  raster && geometry
     259 If you want to limit the intersection test to the second condition you can write:
     261  ST_Intersects(ST_ConvexHull(raster), geometry)
     263 '''Implementation details'''
     265 This function should be implemented as a pl/pgSQL function performing the three test described one after and conditionally to the other.
     267 It might be faster to skip test 2) if this test is not signicantly faster than test 3).
     269'''ST_Intersection(raster, integer, geometry) -> geometry''' - Returns a set of "geomval" value representing the shared portion of the geometry and the raster band areas sharing a common meaningfull values. The integer parameter is the band number of the raster.
     271 Variant 1:
     273  ST_Intersection(raster, geometry) -> geometry -- default to band # 1[[BR]]
     274  ST_Intersection(geometry, raster, integer) -> geometry -- the integer parameter is the band number of the raster[[BR]]
     275  ST_Intersection(geometry, raster) -> geometry -- default to band # 1
     277 Variant 2:
     279  ST_Intersection(raster, integer, geometry, 'raster') -> raster -- the integer parameter is the band number of the raster[[BR]]
     280  ST_Intersection(raster, geometry, 'raster') -> raster -- default to band # 1
     282 Variant 3:
     284  ST_Intersection(geometry, raster, integer, 'raster') -> raster -- the integer parameter is the band number of the raster[[BR]]
     285  ST_Intersection(geometry, raster, 'raster') -> raster -- default to band # 1
     287 Variant 4:
     289  ST_Intersection(raster, integer, raster, integer) -> raster -- the integer parameters are the band number of the rasters[[BR]]
     290  ST_Intersection(raster, raster, integer) -> raster -- default first raster to band # 1[[BR]]
     291  ST_Intersection(raster, integer, raster) -> raster -- default second raster to band # 1[[BR]]
     292  ST_Intersection(raster, raster) -> raster -- default both rasters to band # 1
     294 Variant 5:
     296  ST_Intersection(raster, integer, raster, integer, 'geometry') -> geometry[[BR]]
     297  ST_Intersection(raster, raster, integer, 'geometry') -> geometry -- default first raster to band # 1[[BR]]
     298  ST_Intersection(raster, integer, raster, 'geometry') -> geometry -- default second raster to band # 1[[BR]]
     299  ST_Intersection(raster, raster, 'geometry') -> geometry -- default both raster to band # 1
     301 This is a set-returning function (SRF). It returns a set of "geomval" representing the point set intersection of the geometry and the areas of the raster sharing a common meaningfull value (NODATA values ARE taken into account). The raster is first polygonised using ST_DumpAsPolygons(raster) and ST_Intersection(geometry, geometry) is then performed between the provided geometry and all the geometries resulting from the polygonisation of the raster.
     303 If the geometries do not share any space (are disjoint), then an empty geometry collection is returned.
     305 ST_Intersection in conjunction with ST_Intersects is very useful for clipping geometries such as in bounding box, buffer, region queries where you only want to return that portion of a geometry that sits in a country or region of interest.
     307 If you only want to compute the intersection between the convex hull of the raster without polygonising it to group of pixels sharing a common value, do:
     309  ST_Intersection(ST_ConvexHull(raster), geometry)
     311 If you only want to compute the intersection between the shape of the raster without polygonising it to group of pixels sharing a common value, do:
     313  ST_Intersection(ST_Polygon(raster), geometry)
     315 '''Implementation details'''
     317 This function should be implemented as a pl/pgSQL function (possibly only a SQL function) performing the intersection between the provided geometry and the table generated by ST_DumpAsPolygons(raster).
     319 Priority 1 should be given to the raster/geometry variants (original and variant 1) returning a geometry.
     321 Priority 2 should be given to the raster/raster variants (5) returning a geometry.
     323 Priority 3 should be given to the other variants (2, 3 & 4) returning a raster. Variant 2 & 3 should be implemented after the planned ST_AsRaster(geometry) function. What should be the raster result of the intersection of two rasters is still to be specified.