Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of WKTRaster/SpecificationFinal01

Dec 11, 2009, 6:26:21 AM (14 years ago)


  • WKTRaster/SpecificationFinal01

    v9 v10  
    117117|| r_column || character varying(256) || NOT NULL || ||
    118118|| srid || integer || NOT NULL || Use 0 for unknown SRID ||
    119 || pixel_types || ARRAY[[=VARCHAR=]] || NOT NULL || an array of pixeltypes, one per band.  The band count is implicit in the size of this array.||
    120 || out_db || boolean || NOT NULL || false if internal tiles, true if tiles are references to files outside the database ||
    121 || regular_blocking || boolean || NOT NULL || false by default, true if all blocks are equal sized, abutted and non-overlapping, started at top left origin (see below) ||
    122 || nodata_values || ARRAY[[=DOUBLE=]] ||  || an array of nodata values, one per band. The entry may be NULL to indicate no nodata values.||
    123 || pixelsize_x || double || || width of a pixel in geounits (per SRID) ||
    124 || pixelsize_y || double ||  || height of a pixel in geounits (per SRID) ||
    125 || blocksize_x || integer ||  || the width of a block in pixels (NULL if irregular) ||
    126 || blocksize_y || integer ||  || the height of a block in pixels (NULL if irregular) ||
    127 || extent|| GEOMETRY || || a polygon geometry containing all raster tiles, or NULL if predefined bounds are not known.  For "regular_blocking" cases this geometry will be a simple rectangle.  In other cases it might be an irregular polygon. ||
     119|| pixel_types || ARRAY[[=VARCHAR=]] || NOT NULL || An array of pixeltypes, one per band.  The band count is implicit in the size of this array.||
     120|| out_db || ARRAY[[=BOOLEAN=]] || NOT NULL || An array of boolean values, one per band. "false" if internal tiles, "true" if tiles are references to raster files outside the database. ||
     121|| regular_blocking || boolean || NOT NULL || False by default, true if all blocks are equal sized, abutted and non-overlapping, started at top left origin (see below). ||
     122|| nodata_values || ARRAY[[=DOUBLE=]] ||  || An array of nodata values, one per band. The entry may be NULL to indicate no nodata values.||
     123|| pixelsize_x || double || || Width of a pixel in geounits (per SRID). ||
     124|| pixelsize_y || double ||  || Height of a pixel in geounits (per SRID). ||
     125|| blocksize_x || integer ||  || The width of a block in pixels (NULL if irregular). ||
     126|| blocksize_y || integer ||  || The height of a block in pixels (NULL if irregular). ||
     127|| extent|| GEOMETRY || || A polygon geometry containing all raster tiles, or NULL if predefined bounds are not known.  For "regular_blocking" cases this geometry will be a simple rectangle.  In other cases it might be an irregular polygon. ||
    129129If the regular_blocking field is true a number of restrictions are placed on the raster column that is defined:[[BR]]