[[TOC]] = Another example showing how to simplify (generalize) a multipolygon layer using PostGIS Topology = This article is a sort of "follow-up" for this one: UsersWikiSimplifyPreserveTopology, showing another method to build generalized polygons keeping their spatial relationship, based on spatial operators and SQL queries. This example uses the PostGIS Topology module ([http://postgis.org/documentation/manual-2.0/Topology.html]) and aims at producing a simplified polygonal layer, with initial polygons' attributes correctly associated to simplified polygons (''A big thank to Brent Wood for its Topology Example and to Sandro Santilli for the topology module'') == What we want == || Simplifying this layer: || into this: || avoiding that: || [[Image(wiki:UsersWikiSimplifyPreserveTopology:SPT_dept_ori.png)]] || [[Image(wiki:UsersWikiSimplifyPreserveTopology:SPT_dept_sim.png)]] || [[Image(wiki:UsersWikiSimplifyPreserveTopology:SPT_no_topo.png)]] || == The data == French administrative subdivisions, called "départements", will be used. Data can be downloaded here: [http://professionnels.ign.fr/DISPLAY/000/528/175/5281750/GEOFLADept_FR_Corse_AV_L93.zip] Data projection is Lambert-93, EPSG:2154 == Loading the data == {{{ #!sh shp2pgsql -IiD -g geom -s 2154 DEPARTEMENT.SHP departement | psql }}} == Principle of simplification == * The [http://postgis.org/documentation/manual-2.0/Topology.html Postgis Topology] module is used to build a topology from input data * A new topology is then created, using a simplified (generalized) version of the first one. * Node connections seem to be preserved doing so, * Then, simplified polygons are matched against initial ones using spatial operations == Steps == 1. Creates the target table that will contain simplified geometry. Initial departement polygons are dumped to handle simple objects. {{{ #!sql create table new_dept as ( select gid, code_dept, (st_dump(geom)).* from departement ); create index new_dept_geom_gist on new_dept using gist(geom); -- adds the new geom column that will contain simplified geoms alter table new_dept add column simple_geom geometry(POLYGON, 2154); }}} 2. Creates a topology from the departements {{{ #!sql -- create new empty topology structure select CreateTopology('topo1',2154,0); -- add all departements polygons to topology in one operation as a collection select ST_CreateTopoGeo('topo1',ST_Collect(geom)) from departement; }}} 3. Create a new topology based on the simplification of existing one. (''should not be the right way to do it, but calling ST_ChangeEdgeGeom'') {{{ #!sql select CreateTopology('topo2',2154,0); select ST_CreateTopoGeo('topo2', geom) from ( select ST_Collect(st_simplifyPreserveTopology(geom, 10000)) as geom from topo1.edge_data ) as foo; }}} 4. Retrieves polygons by comparing surfaces (pip is not enough for odd-shaped polygons) {{{ #!sql with simple_face as ( select st_getFaceGeometry('topo2', face_id) as geom from topo2.face where face_id > 0 ) update new_dept d set simple_geom = sf.geom from simple_face sf where st_intersects(d.geom, sf.geom) and st_area(st_intersection(sf.geom, d.geom))/st_area(sf.geom) > 0.5; }}} == Results == This method produces a clean result, departement's codes are correcty re-associated: [[Image(SPT_simple_good_topo.png)]] == Notes == Find a way to associate faces to initial polygon using topology, not using spatial operations. see strk mail