Changes between Version 97 and Version 98 of UsersWikiPostgreSQLPostGIS

Oct 27, 2016, 12:31:30 PM (8 years ago)


  • UsersWikiPostgreSQLPostGIS

    v97 v98  
    5252For the not recommended, this means that while you can get PostGIS to work with those versions, you'll be missing out on some PostGIS functions such as ST_Covers, ST_CoversBy and for PostGIS 1.5 the ST_HausdorffDistance and enhancements to ST_Buffer (both speed and functionality).  GEOS 3.1 brought cascade union.  GEOS 3.2 brought faster buffering and buffering enhancements, plus numerous enhancements with dealing with tolerance issues when unioning. GEOS 3.3 brought ST_ValidReason, ST_MakeValid etc (in the PostGIS 2.0 releases), so these functions will be disabled in PostGIS 2.0 if you are not running GEOS 3.3. GEOS 3.3. also brought stability fixes for union/buffer not back-ported to 3.2.  For PostGIS 1.5, although 3.3 does not add any additional functions, it does fix some crashers involving buffering and unioning not present in other minor releases, so suggested to use that if you can.
    54 GEOS 3.4 introduced interruptibility features that allow you to cancel a query while in a GEOS loops.  Prior versions of PostGIS/GEOS a query could run (even with statement timeout) until you ran out of memory. This new feature requires both PostGIS 2.1 and GEOS 3.4+.  3.4 also brought [ ST_DelaunayTriangles] so you won't get that in 2.1 if you don't compile for 3.4+.
     54GEOS 3.4 introduced interruptibility features that allow you to cancel a query while in a GEOS loops.  Prior versions of PostGIS/GEOS a query could run (even with statement timeout) until you ran out of memory. This new feature requires both PostGIS 2.1+ and GEOS 3.4+.  3.4 also brought [ ST_DelaunayTriangles] so you won't get that in 2.1 if you don't compile for 3.4+.
     55GEOS 3.5 brought some enhancements needed new features in PostGIS 2.2 [ ST_Subdivide] and [ ST_ClipByBox2D]
     56GEOS 3.5 also brought ST_Voronoi so if compiled with lower than 3.5, the ST_Voronoi introduced in PostGIS 2.3 won't be available [ ST_VoronoiLines and ST_VoronoiPolygons].
     57GEOS 3.6.0 came out after 2.3.0 release, so most 2.3 distros will not have enabled - [ ST_MinimumClearance*]  that require 3.6, but may in 2.3.1
    56 ||'''Geos Version'''||'''PostGIS 1.3'''||'''PostGIS 1.4'''||'''PostGIS 1.5'''||'''PostGIS 2.0'''||'''PostGIS 2.1'''||'''PostGIS 2.2'''||'''PostGIS 2.3 Trunk'''
     59||'''Geos Version'''||'''PostGIS 1.3'''||'''PostGIS 1.4'''||'''PostGIS 1.5'''||'''PostGIS 2.0'''||'''PostGIS 2.1'''||'''PostGIS 2.2'''||'''PostGIS 2.3'''||'''PostGIS 2.4 (Trunk)'''
    5760||'''None'''||Yes (not recommended)||No||No|| No|| No|| No|| No
    58 ||'''2.2'''||Yes (not recommended)||No||No|| No|| No|| No|| No
    59 ||'''3.0'''||Yes||Yes (not recommended)||No|| No|| No|| No|| No
    60 ||'''3.1'''||Yes||Yes||Yes (not recommended) (requires 3.1.1+)|| No|| No|| No|| No
    61 ||'''3.2'''||Yes||Yes||Yes||Yes (not recommended)|| No|| No|| No
    62 ||'''3.3'''||Yes||Yes||Yes (preferred 3.3.3+)||Yes (3.3.9+)|| Yes (not recommended)|| Yes*|| No*
    63 ||'''3.4'''||Yes||Yes||Yes (preferred 3.4.2+)||Yes (3.4.2+)|| Yes|| Yes*|| Yes*
    64 ||'''3.5*'''||Yes||Yes||Yes ||Yes|| Yes|| Yes (recommended) || Yes
     61||'''2.2'''||Yes (not recommended)||No||No|| No|| No|| No|| No|| No
     62||'''3.0'''||Yes||Yes (not recommended)||No|| No|| No|| No|| No|| No
     63||'''3.1'''||Yes||Yes||Yes (not recommended) (requires 3.1.1+)|| No|| No|| No|| No|| No
     64||'''3.2'''||Yes||Yes||Yes||Yes (not recommended)|| No|| No|| No|| No
     65||'''3.3'''||Yes||Yes||Yes (preferred 3.3.3+)||Yes (3.3.9+)|| Yes (not recommended)|| Yes*|| No || No
     66||'''3.4'''||Yes||Yes||Yes (preferred 3.4.2+)||Yes (3.4.2+)|| Yes|| Yes*|| Yes* || Yes*
     67||'''3.5'''||Yes||Yes||Yes ||Yes|| Yes|| Yes (recommended) || Yes* || Yes*
     68||'''3.6'''||Yes||Yes||Yes ||Yes|| Yes|| Yes || Yes (recommended) || Yes
     69||'''3.7*'''||Yes||Yes||Yes ||Yes|| Yes|| Yes || Yes || Yes
    6671'''Versions of GDAL support for PostGIS'''
    6772PostGIS raster functionality (introduced in 2.0) depends on GDAL so to get raster functionality, you'll need to compile with GDAL support and preferrably
    68731.9 or above.  Although you can compile PostGIS 2.0 without raster support, you really should rethink that decision, especially if you are a package maintainer (you'll have a lot of pissed off users if you do :)). For PostgreSQL 9.1 extension support, compiling with raster support is ABSOLUTELY required since the postgis extension includes the raster functionality.  * Means it currently does or doesn't but may change at release time.
    69 PostGIS 2.2 has  ST_ClipByBox2D and ST_SubDivide which require GEOS 3.5
    71 ||'''GDAL Version'''||'''Pre - PostGIS 2.0'''||'''PostGIS 2.0'''||'''PostGIS 2.1'''||'''PostGIS 2.2'''||'''PostGIS 2.3 Trunk'''
     76||'''GDAL Version'''||'''Pre - PostGIS 2.0'''||'''PostGIS 2.0'''||'''PostGIS 2.1'''||'''PostGIS 2.2'''||'''PostGIS 2.3'''||'''PostGIS 2.3 Trunk'''
    7277||'''1.7'''||N/A||Yes (not recommended)||No||No||No
    7378||'''1.8'''||N/A||Yes (not recommended)||Yes (not recommended)||Yes*||Yes*
    77 ||'''2.0'''||N/A||No||No||Yes||Yes