= The Sandbox = This is just a page to practice and learn WikiFormatting. Go ahead, edit it freely. !!What is PostGIS PostGIS is an extension to the [http://www.postgresql.org/ PostgreSQL] object-relational database system that allows [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_information_system/ GIS] (Geographic Information System) [[BR]] objects to be stored in the database. PostGIS does for PostgreSQL what Oracle Spatial does for Oracle, ArcSDE does[[BR]] for Microsoft SQL Server/Oracle. !!Overview * [wiki:FeaturesOfPostgis/ Features of PostGIS] * [http://www.postgresonline.com/journal/index.php?/archives/7-PostGIS-for-geospatial-analysis-and-mapping.html/ PostGIS as a part of PostgreSQL (Article)] * [wiki:ToolsSupport/ PostgisTools that support PostGIS] * [Gallery] Collection of applications using PostGIS in the backend. * [PostgresqlCaseStudies | PostgreSQL Case Studies] * [PostGIS Hosters | PostGISHosters] * [PostGIS Wikipedia entry | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PostGIS] * [PostGIS and ArcSDE/ArcGIS 9.3 Articles | Postgisarcgis] !!Installation Guides * Directions for [PostGIS RPM Installation|PostgisRpmInstallation]. * Directions for [PostGIS on Ubuntu| PostgisOnUbuntu]. !!Examples of Spatial SQL * [Find Nearby Features|ExamplesFindNearby] * [Find Features far from nearest neighbor - Anti-Near Neighbor | ExamplesAntiNear] * [Find Overlapping Features|ExamplesFindOverlapping] * [Join Spatial and Non-Spatial Tables|ExamplesJoinTables] * [Overlay Geometries in one table with Geometries in another|ExamplesOverlayTables] * [Find Features Inside a Particular Polygon|ExamplesInsidePolygon] * [Clean Invalid Polygon Topology|CleanPolygons] ** [Find points on interior rings within a certain distance to exterior ring|ExamplesInsidePolygon2] * [Splitting a Polygon with a Linestring|SplitPolygonWithLineString] * [Generating a hexagonal grid|GenerateHexagonalGrid] * [MultiPoint centroids from Multi geometries |ComputeMultiCentroid] * [OGR Examples] !!Extending PostGIS * [PostGIS EJB3 Integration| SpatialEJB3] * PostgisTopology - to be moved somewhere else ;) * [Raster support|RasterNotes] ** [WKT Raster - The new proposed raster implementation in PostGIS|WKTRasterHomePage] ** [PGCHIP - The GDAL Postgis driver for raster data | http://simon.benjamin.free.fr/pgchip/] - a corrected version can be found in current GDAL CVS * [WishList] of features for the future * [Code Sprint 2009 Notes|Sprint2009Notes] !!Newbie Common Problems and Questions * [function addgeometrycolumn("unknown", "unknown", integer, "unknown", integer) does not exist] * [What is the measurement returned by ST_Distance?] * [What unit of measurement do PostGIS functions use? | PostGISFunctionMeasurement] * [How to get distance measurement in meters|distance_in_meters] !!Extras * [TigerGeocoder | Tiger Geocoder] !!Summer of Code * [SummerOfCode2006] !!Notes * SpatialAlgorithmWebSites !!Useful Additional PL/PGSQL Functions * [PL/PGSQL Functions|plpgsqlfunctions] * [Nearest Neighbor Search] * [PL/PGSQL Pseudo Cascade Union Aggregate Function | upgis_cascadeunion] !!Known issues/patches pending review * [IssuesPatchesPending] !!What is GEOS [GEOS] is a C++ port of the JTS Topology Suite. It is used by PostGIS to implement Topological functions. !!Wiki How-To * Learn HowToUseWiki and learn about AddingPages. * Use the SandBox page to experiment with Wiki pages. * Please sign your name in RecentVisitors. * See RecentChanges for the latest page additions and changes. * Find out which pages are MostPopular. * Read the ReleaseNotes * Administer this Wiki in PhpWikiAdministration.