OSSIM Openness Evaluation
The OSSIM project began at ImageLinks Inc. in response to the limitations imposed by several commercial remote sensing and image processing packages. The key contributors have continued to collaborate on OSSIM for almost a decade despite working for different companies and projects. OSSIM is now being used in many international government and commercial applications. The primary contributors work for different companies on different projects and continue to work closely and collaborate on evolving the OSSIM baseline. The move to OSGeo is being performed to help guarantee that OSSIM remains company neutral and open.
The project steering commitee controls and guides the evolution of the OSSIM project.
Project Steering Committee
- Garrett Potts - Project Lead - RadiantBlue Technologies Inc
- Mark Lucas - Project Founder - RadiantBlue Technologies Inc.
- Dave Burken - SPADAC
- Scott Bortman - RadiantBlue Technologies Inc.