= gdal-dev = * Raster / Vector format geospatial data access library * This package tracks the development (trunk) version of GDAL/OGR and is not expected to maintain any sort of ABI stability. In general additional packages should not be built on top of this package since it is very unstable. * Currently all one package for libraries, commands and docs. * The gdal-dev package unpacks in ''osgeo4w''\apps\gdal-dev and does not disturb the normal gdal package. To actually use the gdal-dev package, run the "gdaldev.bat" script in the OSGeo4W console window. * The gdal-dev package also includes the python bindings as part of the package, rather than as a distinct package. The python bindings are located in ''osgeo4w''\apps\gdal-dev\pymod and are included in the pythonpath when gdaldev.bat is run. * IPP libjpeg compatibility modifications applied (http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/JpegIPP) * Note that while running the "gdaldev.bat" script makes it possible to use the gdal-dev utilities (like gdal_translate) and the gdal-dev python bindings, it does '''not''' affect the other GDAL using programs like MapServer, or OpenEV which will continue to use the GDAL from the standard GDAL package. * Maintainer is FrankWarmerdam (built from C:\warmerda\buildkit\gdal-dev on printer computer) [wiki:OSGeo4W_jp/PackageListing 戻る]