= dump.pl = The boundary.tar.gz file referenced below is a test file to run the example. It has not been uploaded to wiki, because I can't do that. -sw http://www.highwayengineer.co.medina.oh.us/boundary.tar.gz {{{ #!perl #!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Given a shapefile name this routine will dump out the shapefile type, # members, & applicable coordinate information. # # Required modules are mapscript (installed as part of make install) # & Getopt (normally included with Perl). # Please download boundary.tar.gz also, and: # tar -xf boundary.tar.gz --ungzip # # Suggested run method = ./dump.pl -file=boundary > /tmp/boundary.dump use mapscript; use Getopt::Long; # # Declare a hash for easy access to the shape types. %types = ( '1' => 'point', '3' => 'arc', '5' => 'polygon', '8' => 'multipoint' ); # # Declare an initial value for the shapefile extents. my $shapeminx = 0, my $shapeminy = 0; my $shapemaxx = 1; my $shapemaxy = 1; # # Check input for a specified file name. &GetOptions("file=s", \$file); if(!$file) { print "Syntax: dump.pl -file=[filename]\n"; exit 0; } # # Open the specified shapefile. $shapefile = new shapefileObj($file, -1) or die "Unable to open shapefile $file"; # # Print shapefile type & number of shapes. print "Shapefile opened (type=". $types{$shapefile->{type}} .") with ". $shapefile->{numshapes} ." shape(s)\n"; # # Open a shape object for pulling the shapefile shapes into. $shape = new shapeObj(-1); # # Loop through each shape in the shapefile. for($i=0; $i<$shapefile->{numshapes}; $i++) { # # Pull the nth shape into the shape object for analysis. $shapefile->get($i, $shape); # # Print the shapes number of lines. print "Shape $i has ". $shape->{numlines} ." part(s) - "; # # Get the bounds. my $minx = $shape->{bounds}->{minx}; my $miny = $shape->{bounds}->{miny}; my $maxx = $shape->{bounds}->{maxx}; my $maxy = $shape->{bounds}->{maxy}; # # Print the bounds for the shape. printf "bounds (%f,%f) (%f,%f)\n", $minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy; # # Is this the first shape. if ( $i == 0 ) { # # Set the initial bounds to an actual shape. $shapeminx = $minx; $shapeminy = $miny; $shapemaxx = $maxx; $shapemaxy = $maxy; } else { # # Create compounded shapefile extent. # Note: This is just an example, there is a better way to do this. # See shpinfo.pl . if ($minx < $shapeminx) { $shapeminx = $minx; } if ($miny < $shapeminy) { $shapeminy = $miny; } if ($maxx > $shapemaxx) { $shapemaxx = $maxx; } if ($maxy > $shapemaxy) { $shapemaxy = $maxy; } } # # Loop through each line in the shape. for($j=0; $j<$shape->{numlines}; $j++) { # # Create the line object. $part = $shape->get($j); # # Print the number of points in the line. print "Part $j has ". $part->{numpoints} ." point(s)\n"; # # Loop through each point. for($k=0; $k<$part->{numpoints}; $k++) { # # Create the point object. $point = $part->get($k); # # Print the x & y coordinate for the point. print "$k: ". $point->{x} .", ". $point->{y} ."\n"; } } } # # Print the shapefiles bounding rectangle. print "$file\'s Bounding Rectangle is $shapeminx, $shapeminy, $shapemaxx, $shapemaxy\n"; }}} ---- back to [wiki:PerlMapScript]