Sarted with : Pass:165, Warning:0 Fail:265 ||Assigned to|| tests||URLs|| Comments ||GetCapabilities - GET |||| GC tc-9.2|| URL:,service=WFS|| It is expecting back an excpetion report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server.Comments in bug|| |||| GC tc-13.2|||| It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server and defaults to WMS.|| |||| GC t 15.2|||| Acceptversions should be supported:|| |||| GC 16.1|| URL:|| It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS exception report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server and defaults to WMS.|| |||| GC 16.2|| URL:|| It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS exception report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server|| |||| GC 16.3|| URL:|| This seems to be the same as GC 15.2|| |||| GC 16.5|| URL:!service~WFS!version~1.1.0|| It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS exception report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server|| |||| GC tc-18.1|| This validates the whole capabilites so several issues are reported:|||| |||||| DefaultSRS value is not a valid URI (invalid scheme name or URN namespace identifier). The DefaultSRS is EPSG:4326.||[](need to be fixed_|| |||||| EID element missing||[] (fixed)|| ||DescribeFeatureType-POST |||| DF tc3.1|| Invalid post request (without service) || It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS exception report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server|| |||| DF tc3.2|| Invalid post request (without service) || It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS exception report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server|| |||| DF tc3.3|| Invalid post request (without service) || It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS exception report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server|| |||| DF tc3.4|| Invalid post request (without version) || It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS exception report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server|| |||| DF tc3.5|| Invalid post request (with invalid service=FDO) || It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS exception report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server|| ||AY || DF tc11.1|| The expression '(//xsd:element/@name = 'PrimitiveGeoFeature') and (//xsd:element/@name = 'AggregateGeoFeature') and (//xsd:element/@name = 'EntitéGénérique')' is false.|| bug Map file is saved using encoding ISO-8859-1. Bug is fixed in svn|| ||DescribeFeatureType-GET ||AY || DF Test wfs:DescribeFeatureType-output-format-default || 4tests: The MIME returned for a DescribeFeatureType request where no specific output format is requested is "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1 ;;;; When output format XMLSCHEMA is supported, the MIME returned for a DescribeFeatureType? request where the output format requested is XMLSCHEMA is "text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2". ;;;; When output format "text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2" is supported, the MIME returned for a DescribeFeatureType? request where the output format requested is "text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2" is "text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2". ;;;;; The MIME returned for a DescribeFeatureType? request where the output format requested is "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1" is "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1". " || Fixed:|| ||GetFeature-POST ||AY||Test Basic-GetFeature-tc2.1 ||parameter timeStamp is required by the test when returning GetFeatures with||Fixed:|| ||AY||Test Basic-GetFeature-tc5.2 ||Propertynames, mandatory and option parameters|||| ||AY||Test Basic-GetFeature-tc5.3 ||Propertynames, mandatory and option parameters|||| ||AY||Test Basic-GetFeature-tc9.2 ||A GetFeature with an invalid propertyname should return an exception||Fixed:|| ||NS||GF tc11.1 ||No service parameter |||| ||NS||GF tc11.2 ||Same test as GF tc11.1 |||| ||NS||GF tc11.3 ||No version parameter |||| ||NS||GF tc11.4 ||Version parameter set to empty |||| ||NS||GF tc11.5 ||Undefined service value |||| ||NS||GF tc14.1 ||The srs string specified in the request is: srsName="urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326" and the srs string in the response is: srsName="EPSG:4326". The test is expecting that both string will be the same.||It seems related to:|| ||NS||GF tc14.2 ||An invalid srs should trigger an error |||| ||NS||GF tc15.1||Need to have 'gml:name' element for getfeature with filter. Also incorrect namespace in front of 'name' element, test expects //sf:PrimitiveGeoFeature/gml:name = 'name-f002' but response is name-f002 instead|||| ||NS||GF tc15.2 ||Missing mandatory elements and date/dateTime formats don't respect schema |||| ||NS||GF tc15.3||Same as GF tc46.1 below. Encoding problem with EntitéGénérique|||| ||NS||GF tc16.2 ||Invalid operation should trigger an exception |||| ||NS||GF tc16.3 ||Incorrect namespace in a query should trigger an exception |||| ||NS||GF tc16.4 ||Invalid elements in request should trigger an exception |||| ||NS||GF tc17.1 ||See tc14.1. The test is looking for urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326 in the envelop but we set to srsName="EPSG:4326" ||It is valid based on section 9 of the specification. It seems related to:|| ||NS||GF tc17.2 ||Invalid URI value for srs should trigger an exception|||| ||NS||GF tc19.1||Same as tc15.1 |||| ||NS||GF tc20.1 ||Need to handle property name as mixed of upper/lower case, e.g. 'intProperty' |||| ||NS||GF tc21.1 ||Save as 15.1 but for 'description'|||| ||NS||GF tc21.2 ||Have to support XPath expression |||| ||NS||GF tc21.3 ||Have to support XPath expression |||| ||NS||GF tc22.1 ||Same as GF tc15.1 |||| ||NS||GF tc22.2|| |||| ||NS||GF tc25.1||GF tc14.2|||| ||NS||GF tc27.1||Same as GF tc15.1 |||| ||NS||GF tc28.1||Same as GF tc15.1 |||| ||NS||GF tc29.3 ||Generate en envelop instead of gml:Null |||| ||NS||GF tc29.4||Same as GF tc46.1 below. Encoding problem with EntitéGénérique |||| ||NS||GF tc34.1 ||Only one type of id in a filter expression |||| ||NS||GF tc35.2 ||invalid 'lower' function in front of the property name and its value |||| ||NS||GF tc35.4 ||Same as GF tc46.1 below. Encoding problem with EntitéGénérique |||| ||NS||GF tc35.5 ||Propertynames, mandatory and option parameters|||| ||NS||GF tc35.6 ||Generate en envelop instead of gml:Null |||| ||NS||GF tc35.7 ||Same as GF tc46.1 below. Encoding problem with EntitéGénérique |||| ||NS||GF tc36.4 ||Same as GF tc46.1 below. Encoding problem with EntitéGénérique |||| ||NS||GF tc38.4 ||Generate en envelop instead of gml:Null |||| ||NS||GF tc39.2 ||Generate en envelop instead of gml:Null |||| ||NS||GF tc40.3 ||Generate en envelop instead of gml:Null |||| ||NS||GF tc41.1||Need to handle property name as mixed of upper/lower case, e.g. 'intProperty' |||| ||NS||GF tc41.2||Need to handle property name as mixed of upper/lower case, e.g. 'intProperty' |||| ||NS||GF tc41.3||Need to handle property name as mixed of upper/lower case, e.g. 'intProperty' |||| ||NS||GF tc41.4||Need to handle property name as mixed of upper/lower case, e.g. 'intProperty' |||| ||NS||GF tc43.1 ||Same as GF tc46.1 below. Encoding problem with EntitéGénérique |||| ||NS||GF tc49.1 ||See tc14.1. The test is looking for urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326 in the envelop but we set to srsName="EPSG:4326" ||It is valid based on section 9 of the specification. It seems related to:|| ||NS||GF tc51.1 ||Sort has to be supported|||| ||NS||GF tc51.2 ||Sort has to be supported|||| ||NS||GF tc51.3 ||Sort has to be supported|||| ||NS||GF tc51.4 ||Sort has to be supported|||| ||NS||GF tc42.1||Need to handle property name as mixed of upper/lower case, e.g. 'intProperty' |||| ||NS||GF tc42.2 ||Missing optional element |||| ||NS||GF tc42.3 ||Generate en envelop instead of gml:Null |||| ||NS||GF tc42.4||Need to handle property name as mixed of upper/lower case, e.g. 'intProperty' |||| ||NS||GF tc100.1||Need to handle property name as mixed of upper/lower case, e.g. 'intProperty' |||| ||NS||GF tc100.2 ||Same as GF tc46.1 below. Encoding problem with EntitéGénérique |||| ||NS||GF tc100.3 ||Same as GF tc46.1 below. Encoding problem with EntitéGénérique |||| ||NS||GF tc101.2||invalid 'lower' function in front of the property name and its value |||| ||NS||GF tc101.3||bbox with propertyName not set |||| ||NS||GF tc102.1 ||Same as GF tc46.1 below. Encoding problem with EntitéGénérique |||| ||NS||GF tc200.1 ||Property doesn't seem to be used. Not sure...|||| ||NS||GF tc200.2 ||Same as GF tc46.1 below. Encoding problem with EntitéGénérique |||| ||NS||GF tc200.3||Maybe multiSurfaceProperty no more used. We use the_geom instead.|||| ||NS||GF tc201.2 ||Same as GF tc46.1 below. Encoding problem with EntitéGénérique |||| ||NS||GF tc201.3||Don't know ... |||| ||NS||GF tc203.1||Don't know ... |||| ||NS||GF tc203.2||AFAIK gml:name is supposed to be optional: . The test checks for it. |||| ||NS||GF tc204.1 ||Same as GF tc46.1 below. Encoding problem with EntitéGénérique |||| ||NS||GF tc204.2||Don't know ... |||| ||NS||GF tc204.3 ||MapServer returned gml:Null, supposed to have one feature... |||| ||NS||GF tc204.4 ||Generate en envelop instead of gml:Null |||| ||NS||GF tc205.1||Don't know ... Filter error.|||| ||NS||GF tc205.2 ||Generate en envelop instead of gml:Null |||| ||NS||GF tc205.3 ||Same as GF tc46.1 below. Encoding problem with EntitéGénérique |||| ||NS||GF tc206.1 ||MapServer returned gml:Null, supposed to have one feature... |||| ||NS||GF tc206.2 ||Same as GF tc46.1 below. Encoding problem with EntitéGénérique |||| ||NS||GF tc206.3 ||Generate en envelop instead of gml:Null |||| ||NS||GF tc207.2 ||MapServer returned gml:Null, supposed to have one or more features... |||| ||NS||GF tc207.3||AFAIK gml:name is supposed to be optional: . The test checks for it. |||| ||NS||GF tc208.1 ||Generate en envelop instead of gml:Null |||| ||NS||GF tc208.2 ||MapServer returned gml:Null, supposed to have one or more features... |||| ||NS||GF tc208.3||AFAIK gml:name is supposed to be optional: . The test checks for it. |||| ||NS||GF tc209.1 ||The test is expecting the pointProperty//sf:PrimitiveGeoFeature/sf:pointProperty/gml:Point/gml:pos which is optional.|||| ||NS||GF tc209.2 ||The test is expecting the pointProperty//sf:PrimitiveGeoFeature/sf:pointProperty/gml:Point/gml:pos which is optional.|||| ||NS||GF tc209.3||BBOX outside of the UTM zone has to generate an exception |||| |||| || |||| |||| || |||| |||| || |||| |||| || |||| |||| || |||| |||| || |||| ||GetFeature-GET ||NS||GF Test wfs:GetFeature-output-format-default||The MIME returned for a GetFeature request where no specific output format is requested is "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1" ||This is fixed:|| ||NS||GF tc8.1 ||,-10.52,71.96,32.19,urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326&namespace=xmlns ||N coordinates for each corner of a bounding box and a crsuri:|| ||NS||GF tc8.3 ||,0,0.01,0.01&namespace=xmlns|||| ||NS||GF tc23.1|| ||Fixed:|| ||NS||GF tc23.2 || ||Fixed:|| ||NS||GF tc23.3 || ||Fixed: see 3301|| ||NS||GF tc26.1 ||,sf:AggregateGeoFeature&namespace=xmlns |||| ||NS||GF tc30.1 || |||| ||NS||GF tc30.2 ||*[1]description-f001|||| ||NS||GF tc31.1 ||*[1]description-f001|| Fixed:|| ||NS||GF 32.1 || ||same as|| ||NS||GF tc46.1 ||||Return an error about the typename not found. Probably en encoding problem.|| ||NS||GF tc48.1|| ||Same as GF tc46.1|| ||NS||GF tc50.1 |||||| ||NS||GF tc50.2 || ||Same as GF tc50.1|| ||GetCapabilities - POST - All tests pass. |||| || |||| Status end of February: Pass: 234 Warning: 0 Fail: 174