
Version 11 (modified by nsavard, 14 years ago) ( diff )


Sarted with : Pass:165, Warning:0 Fail:265

Assigned to testsURLs Comments
GC tc-9.2 URL:,service=WFS It is expecting back an excpetion report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server.Comments in bug
GC tc-13.2 It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server and defaults to WMS.
GC t 15.2 Acceptversions should be supported:
GC 16.1 URL: It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS exception report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server and defaults to WMS.
GC 16.2 URL: It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS exception report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server
GC 16.3 URL: This seems to be the same as GC 15.2
GC 16.5 URL:!service~WFS!version~1.1.0 It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS exception report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server
GC tc-18.1 This validates the whole capabilites so several issues are reported:
DefaultSRS value is not a valid URI (invalid scheme name or URN namespace identifier). The DefaultSRS is EPSG:4326. to be fixed_
EID element missing (fixed)
DF tc3.1 Invalid post request (without service) It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS exception report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server
DF tc3.2 Invalid post request (without service) It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS exception report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server
DF tc3.3 Invalid post request (without service) It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS exception report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server
DF tc3.4 Invalid post request (without version) It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS exception report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server
DF tc3.5 Invalid post request (with invalid service=FDO) It is expecting back an excpetion a WFS exception report but MapServer will not be able to generate this since It is not only a WFS server
AY DF tc11.1 The expression '(xsd:element/@name = 'PrimitiveGeoFeature') and (xsd:element/@name = 'AggregateGeoFeature') and (xsd:element/@name = 'EntitéGénérique')' is false. bug Map file is saved using encoding ISO-8859-1
AY DF Test wfs:DescribeFeatureType-output-format-default 4tests: The MIME returned for a DescribeFeatureType request where no specific output format is requested is "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1 ;;;; When output format XMLSCHEMA is supported, the MIME returned for a DescribeFeatureType? request where the output format requested is XMLSCHEMA is "text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2". ;;;; When output format "text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2" is supported, the MIME returned for a DescribeFeatureType? request where the output format requested is "text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2" is "text/xml; subtype=gml/2.1.2". ;;;;; The MIME returned for a DescribeFeatureType? request where the output format requested is "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1" is "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1". " Fixed:
NSGF Test wfs:GetFeature-output-format-defaultThe MIME returned for a GetFeature request where no specific output format is requested is "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1" This need to be solved:
NSGF tc8.1,-10.52,71.96,32.19,urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326&namespace=xmlns N coordinates for each corner of a bounding box and a crsuri:
NSGF tc8.3,0,0.01,0.01&namespace=xmlns

Fixed bug 3218

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