Changes between Version 77 and Version 78 of MapServerOGCCITECompliance

Aug 27, 2009, 1:27:58 PM (15 years ago)



  • MapServerOGCCITECompliance

    v77 v78  
    1313|| ||1.1.0 ||[ 2899] ||axis order must be in order lat long for 4326 for 1.1.0 || ||
    1414|| ||1.1.0 || ||The main issue is that the layer contains multiple geometry types on the same layer ||Could be really harder.  Daniel submitted an idea to solve this. ||
    15 ||WCS ||1.0.0 ||When a GetCoverage request is sent to a WCS 1.0.0 server with a bbox that is the same as the defined bbox (describecoverage), the server must NOT return an exception ||Steve is working on it. ||
     15||WCS ||1.0.0 ||[ 3083] ||When a GetCoverage request is sent to a WCS 1.0.0 server with a bbox that is the same as the defined bbox (describecoverage), the server must NOT return an exception ||Steve is working on it. ||
    1616|| ||1.1.0 ||[ 3105] ||GetCapabilities request does not support the sections ||Tom k. is working on this but there  ||
    17 || || || || ||  ||
    18 || || || || ||
    19 || || || || ||
    20 || || || || ||
     17||SOS ||1.0.0 ||[ 2646]  ||XML of the response to a GetObservation request sent to SOS 1.0.0 server doesn't validate against the schema ||Tom is working on this one. ||
     18|| ||1.0.0 ||[ 3103] ||GetObservation request sent to a SOS 1.0.0 server with a procedure specified as a URI returns an exception || ||
     19|| ||1.0.0 ||[ 2559] ||A GetObservation request with an invalid featureOfInterest value sent to a SOS 1.0.0 server must return an exception ||Tom is working on this one. ||
     20||||1.0.0 ||[ 2512] ||A GetCapabilities issue to a SOS 1.0.0 server with no service parameter must trigger an OWS 1.0.0 exception ||Daniel is working on this one.  Hard.  See 2531||
     21|| ||1.0.0 |||[ 2513] ||A GetCapabilities request sent to a SOS 1.0.0 with an invalid value for the service parameter must trigger an exception ||Same as 2512. ||
     22|| ||1.0.0 ||[ 2514] ||A GetCapabilities request sent to a SOS 1.0.0 server with invalid parameter/value pairs, it must trigger an exception ||Same as 2512. ||
     23|| ||1.0.0 ||[ 3103] ||GetObservation request sent to a SOS 1.0.0 server with a procedure specified as a URI returns an exception || ||
     24|| || || || || ||
    266270   The following table lists the tests that failed and the related ticket number.
    267271   ||Test Name||Ticket||
    268    ||wcs1-0-0:getcoverage_operations-getcoverage_request-response_crs-get-kvp-2||||
     272   ||wcs1-0-0:getcoverage_operations-getcoverage_request-response_crs-get-kvp-2||[ 3083]||When a GetCoverage request is sent to a WCS 1.0.0 server with a bbox that is the same as the defined bbox (describecoverage), the server must NOT return an exception ||