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This 4.4 release plan has been agreed between the developers. However the information below may still change slightly as the release progresses.

Planned Dates

Based on our experience with 4.2.0, we will plan for 3 betas over a 6 weeks period after the code freeze. This would lead us to a final release around endof November:

CVS Tags/Branches?

Bugzilla Conventions

In order to facilitate querying the bugzilla database for bugs that still need to be addressed for this release, we try to stick to the following conventions:

Other good practices when dealing with bugs:

The following query returns all currently open bugs that are tagged with the "4.4 release" target milestone: http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/bugs/buglist.cgi?target_milestone=4.4+release&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED

Open Tasks

Completed Tasks

Once completed, the tasks above should be moved down here.
