LAYER DEBUG 5 NAME 'labels' STATUS ON TYPE LINE CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial CONNECTION '...' DATA "..." #FILTER "ROWNUM < 1697" #using a Filter like this, the server doesn't crash, but not not all Labels get drawed METADATA 'ows_title' 'Labels' 'wms_srs' 'epsg:31466' 'gml_featureid' 'ID' 'gml_include_items' 'NAME,ID' END #METADATA LABELITEM 'NAME' #CLASS #using this Class the lines get painted, without labels and without crash #NAME 'dummy' #COLOR 80 80 80 #END #CLASS CLASS NAME 'crash it' LABEL FONT arial TYPE TRUETYPE SIZE 9 POSITION AUTO #ANGLE FOLLOW #using this, the MapServer works fine, but I need the labels horizontal ANTIALIAS TRUE COLOR 0 171 255 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 END #LABEL END #CLASS END #LAYER