
Version 2 (modified by trevorwekel, 14 years ago) ( diff )


MapGuide 2.2 Beta Release Notes

MapGuide Open Source 2.2 (BETA) will be available soon!

Major New Items

  • TBD

Thanks to the ever growing team of developers who are contributing to make the MapGuide Open Source project a more self-sustaining project.

Please report any defects.


Click here for instructions on how to migrate to MGOS 2.2 from older releases.

MGOS 2.2.0 is compatible with FDO 3.5.0.



API changes

RFC 66 added client side pinging for the AjaxViewer to keep sessions alive. API changes include a new HTTP GETSESSIONTIMEOUT and MgSiteConnection.GetSessionTimeout(). An <EnablePingServer> boolean element was added to WebLayout. Since these are new APIs, there is no impact on existing code.

RFC 70 introduced new API for creating and modifying the schema of a feature source. Delete methods are added to MgFeatureSchema, MgClassDefinition and MgPropertyDefinition. A new ApplySchema() method was added to MgFeatureService. A Decimal property was added to MgPropertyType for schema purposes. Since these are new APIs, there is no impact on existing code.

RFC 73 introduces a new GetResourceContents() API to MgResourceService. This new functionality is used internally by MgMap to reduce web extensions / server crosstalk when creating an MgMap object from a map definition. Since this is new API, there is no impact on existing code.

RFC 74 introduces a boolean "cascade" parameter to MgResourceService.MoveResource(). If cascade is enabled, dependant resources will be updated to point at the new location for the moved resource. Since this is new API, there is no impact on existing code.

RFC 77 allows MgFeatureService.CreateFeatureSource() to create a feature source without defining the feature class and spatial context. The previous implementation would throw an MgInvalidArgumentException. This behaviour change may affect existing code. RFC 89 introduced a number of changes required by the upgrade to PHP 5.3. These changes break existing code.

MgException class changes:
Change GetMessage() to GetExceptionMessage()

MgResources class changes:
Change GetMessage() to GetResourceMessage()

MgCoodinateSystem class changes:
Change GetCode() to GetCsCode()
Change SetCode() to SetCsCode() for consistency.
Change IsLegalCode() to IsLegalCsCode() for consistency.

MgCoodinateSystemDatum class changes:
Change GetCode() to GetDtCode()
Change SetCode() to SetDtCode() for consistency.
Change IsLegalCode() to IsLegalDtCode() for consistency.

MgCoodinateSystemEllipsoid class changes:
Change GetCode() to GetElCode()
Change SetCode() to SetElCode() for consistency.
Change IsLegalCode() to IsLegalElCode() for consistency.

MgWebInvokeScriptCommand class changes:
Change GetCode() to GetScriptCode()
Change SetCode() to SetScriptCode() for consistency.

These API changes will impact:

  • Viewers
  • Sample applications
  • Development guides
  • Existing applications

New Server Configuration (serverconfig.ini) Options

New Web Configuration (webconfig.ini) Options

Disk Space

The installer requires at least 1.5GB of disk space on C: during installation. Otherwise installation may not proceed.

If you do not have sufficient space on C:, you can open the installer file with 7-zip and extract the contents to another drive, and run the extracted setup.exe from there. It may also be helpful to set your TEMP environment variable to a different drive.


The complete list of submissions can be found here.

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