= !MapGuide RFC 78 - Add transaction support to FeatureService = This page contains an change request (RFC) for the !MapGuide Open Source project. More !MapGuide RFCs can be found on the [wiki:MapGuideRfcs RFCs] page. == Status == ||RFC Template Version||(1.0)|| ||Submission Date||(Date/Time submitted)|| ||Last Modified||(Klain Qin) (Thu Jul 9 22:18:19 2009)|| ||Author||(Klain Qin)|| ||RFC Status||(draft)|| ||Implementation Status||(not ready for review)|| ||Proposed Milestone||(2.2)|| ||Assigned PSC guide(s)||(Tom Fukushima)|| ||'''Voting History'''||(vote date)|| ||+1|||| ||+0|||| ||-0|||| ||-1|||| ||no vote|| || == Overview == This proposal is to enhance the transaction capability of MapGuide Feature Service to support executing not only a sequence of standard commands(delete/update/insert) but also a sequence of sql statements within a single transaction. == Motivation == Currently MapGuide Feature Service supports executing a sequence of standard commands within a single transaction through the API illustrated below. The standard commands are delete/update/insert. If you pass in true for useTransaction, the API will start a transaction and commit(or rollback) it at the end. Thus all command execution will reside inside a single transaction. virtual MgPropertyCollection* UpdateFeatures( MgResourceIdentifier* resource, MgFeatureCommandCollection* commands, bool useTransaction ) = 0; However, MapGuide Feature Service also provides another two APIs to execute sql statements as illustrated below, where a database transaction will internally be started and committed befor and after the sql statement execution. Here the capability of executing a sequence of sql statements within a single transaction is missing. virtual INT32 ExecuteSqlNonQuery( MgResourceIdentifier* resource, CREFSTRING sqlNonSelectStatement ) = 0; virtual MgSpatialContextReader* GetSpatialContexts( MgResourceIdentifier* resource, bool bActiveOnly) = 0; This proposal is to extend Feature Service to support executing a sequence of sql statements within a single transaction. == Proposed Solution == This is a more detailed description of the actual changes desired. The contents of this section will vary based on the target of the RFC, be it a technical change, website change, or process change. For example, for a technical change, items such as files, XML schema changes, and API chances would be identified. For a process change, the new process would be laid out in detail. For a website change, the files affected would be listed. == Implications == This section allows discussion of the repercussions of the change, such as whether there will be any breakage in backwards compatibility, if documentation will need to be updated, etc. == Test Plan == How the proposed change will be tested, if applicable. New unit tests should be detailed here??? == Funding/Resources == This section will confirm that the proposed feature has enough support to proceed. This would typically mean that the entity making the changes would put forward the RFC, but a non-developer could act as an RFC author if they are sure they have the funding to cover the change.