= Configure Web Servers to run MapGuide Web Applications on Windows = this document is written with windows 7 as the testing platform, the process may be slightly different under windows xp. Web applications are refered in mapguide project as web extensions, but they are really the same things. Under windows, you have the options to deploy mapguide web application to either Apache, or Tomcat, or IIS == Apache2 == 1. Download and Install Apache2.2.16 for Windows from [http://www.apachelounge.com/download/ Here]. Unzip the downloaded file to anywhere, in this document, we unzip it to c:\Apache2 2. add the following lines to httpd.conf {{{ LoadModule mod_mgmapagent modules/mod_mgmapagent.so include conf/mapguide.conf }}} 3. Create another config file, name it ''mapguide.conf'' with the following contents(change the path accordingly for your system) {{{ Alias /mapguide "c:/mapguideopensource-2.2-beta1/Web/www" AllowOverride All Options All Order allow,deny Allow from all AddHandler php5-script .php AddHandler mgmapagent_handler fcgi RewriteEngine on RewriteRule .* - [E=REMOTE_USER:%{HTTP:Authorization},L] }}} '''''Note:''''' Attached are sample conf files. 4. start apache http server == Tomcat == === IIS ===