Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of Release/7.6.0-News

Oct 14, 2018, 8:01:59 AM (6 years ago)

Updates part2/2


  • Release/7.6.0-News

    v10 v11  
    9393 * G76:r.colors: add inferno, magma and plasma color tables
    9494 * G76:r.colors and G76:r3.colors: new flag -d to list available rules with description (e.g. "srtm: color palette for Shuttle Radar Topography Mission elevation [range: -11000 to 8850]")
     95 * G76:r.contour: avoid tracing back of contour lines
     96 * G76:r.cost: fix direction output when using a solver and directions are degree
     97 * G76:r.cost, G76:r.walk: add option to control which direction is used in case of multiple directions with equal costs, avoid circular paths when using solver
     98 * G76:r.cross: code clean-up, explain NULL handling;  create categories for output value 0, it is a valid result
     99 * G76:r.drain: Add a rule to avoid an exception from r.path, ignore values option if raster values are not used (no -c or -a flag)
     100 * G76:r.external: get real stats, not approximations for each band
     101 * G76:r.external.out, G76:r.out.gdal: add CRS EPSG code if available
    95102 * G76:r.fillnulls: RST segmax/npmin logic is fixed to avoid segmentation on small holes
    96  * G76:r.mapcalc: Do not add extra spaces when inserting a map name or function in GUI
    97  * G76:r.slope.aspect: add -n option to create aspect as degrees clockwise from North (azimuth), with flat = -9999
    98  * G76:v.colors: add inferno, magma and plasma color tables
     103 * G76:r.horizon: allow negative angles, use new PROJ 5+ API if available
     104 * G76:r.import: remove hardcoded memory limit ( will take care), use auto-adjustment for lat/lon
     105 * report Type of Map (raster, reclass, GDAL-link, virtual) also with -e flag
     106 * -s: always report total number of cells (backport trunk r73497)
     107 * use grass_int64 and j length modifier for total cells and number of non-null cells
     108 * fix column offset and column mapping when limiting import to the current region
     109 * print only proj comparison when -j flag is given ( -j is mostly used in scripts)
     110 *, G76:r.external: add test if OGR spatial reference is NULL
     111 *, +GDAL config and dataset open options (#3413)
     112 * Trim option affects only trimmean method, fail if user atempts to use it with other metods.
     113 * added support to SRTM SWBD, removed unzip dependencies, now it uses zipfile library
     114 * G76:r.latlong: use new GRASS API for coordinate transformation, use new PROJ 5+ API if available
     115 * fix segfault
     116 * G76:r.mapcalc: +ceil, +floor
     117 * G76:r.out.gdal: improve range checks for float and double
     118 * G76:r.path: avoid infinite loop for invalid start point
     119 * G76:r.path, G76:r.drain: accept multiple start coordinates
     120 * G76:r.proj: avoid longitude wrapping by PROJ, this is done by GRASS, use new GRASS API for coordinate transformation, +option for user-defined PROJ 5+ pipeline
     121 * G76:r.random: add seed option to set the seed of the RNG
     122 * G76:r.random.surface: rename variable Surface to RSurface to avoid variable clash with GDAL on EPEL7 compilation
     123 * G76:r.series: allow weight = 0, preserve input type if possible
     124 * G76:r.slope.aspect: add -n flag to create aspect as degrees clockwise from North (azimuth), with flat = -9999 (like gdaldem); new -e flag to compute values at edges (like gdaldem -compute_edges)
     125 * G76:r.sun: use new GRASS API for coordinate transformation, use new PROJ 5+ API if available
     126 * G76:r.sunhours: use new GRASS API for coordinate transformation, use new PROJ 5+ API if available
     127 * G76:r.sunmask: use new GRASS API for coordinate transformation, use new PROJ 5+ API if available
     128 * G76:r.texture: Fatal error if one of the requested output maps exists
     129 * G76:r.tile: adjust cellhd of output tiles
     130 * G76:r.watershed: prepare for multiple bitmask encoded directions, retention support for flow distribution
     131 * G76:r.what: fix if coords are just outside current region
     132 * activate history printing
     133 * G76:t.rast.univar: added non-null cells
     134 * G76:v.buffer: use squared buffers around points when -s flag is set
     135 * G76:v.category: explain option=report (fixes #3643)
     136 * G76:v.colors: +flag to output color table type and value range (see #3077), add inferno, magma and plasma color tables
     137 * G76:v.db.addtable: create unique index
     138 * G76:v.db.dropcolumn: preserve field length for field type CHARACTER
     139 * G76:v.decimate: add attribute table to output (fixes #3541)
     140 * G76:v.distance: do not clear existing records if no nearest feature found, use default db connection of current mapset for new vector db connection
     141 * doc/v.example: use std vector and db error handlers
     142 * G76:v.external: disable GRASS-PostGIS driver
     143 * G76:v.external.out: add CRS EPSG code if available
     144 * G76:v.extract: add option to dissolve by attribute, preserving categories and attribute values
     145 * avoid buffer overflow with long attributes (text), convert OSM line topology to GRASS topology for line crossings, fix segfault with wrong array index, improve OSM line topology conversion, use column type 'text' when appropriate
     146 *, G76:v.external: OGR dsn and GRASS db connections are independent of each other
     147 * change API calls to PDAL 1.6.0, see #3496 and #2732
     148 * G76:v.lidar.correction: turn percent-related messages to be important (cosmetics)
     149 * G76:v.lidar.growing: uppercase message (sync with v.lidar.edgedetection)
     150 * G76:v.out.ogr: create and write a new feature only once to avoid duplicate fid's, check return of OGR_L_CreateFeature(), do not modify OGR dsn, add CRS EPSG code if available
     151 * G76:v.patch: ignore order of columns and only check name + type (fixes #3566)
    99152 * G76:v.profile: Use GEOS for buffer generation due to errors in native buffering functions
     153 * G76:v.proj: use new GRASS API for coordinate transformation, +option for user-defined PROJ 5+ pipeline
     154 * G76:v.random: fix comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions warnings (TODO: replace long with int64), restrict join attributes, see #3528, restrict wrong categories assigned, see #3524
     155 * G76:v.rast.stats: add number of NULL cells to method option, check for existence of attribute table before launching
     156 * correct class/non-class methods, ws, naming (runs python -tt, full pep8, some pylint), improve processing speed, make it clear that 'overlap' is 'intersects' in GEOS, not 'overlaps', re-organize code to select features from vector map A by features from other vector map B (fixes #3361)
     157 * check if column(s) exist before updating, includes check for correct column type, create column(s) of not existing, see #3466 (backport trunk r73236), double-quote strings to protect single quotes, as in, fix compactness and fractal dimension (fixes #3102), +unit conversion for compactness
     158 * add support for centroids
     159 * G76:v.vect.stats: map label/description UI fix
     160 * G76:v.what.rast3: fix v.what.rast author's name
     161 * G76:v.what.vect: distance units are meters for ll
    101163==== Improvements in the Graphical User Interface ====
    103165 * wxGUI/dbmgr: don't show db info connection by default, it's just occupying space in the dialog
     167 * wxGUI: add settings to show comp. region extent, see #3519
     168 * wxGUI: catch also WindowsError when unable to load GRASS libs
     169 * wxGUI: correctly delete layertree, see #3505
     170 * wxGUI/datacatalog: display layer on double click
     171 * wxGUI/datacatalog: remove map layer from layer tree on delete map
     172 * wxGUI/datacatalog: remove unused statement
     173 * wxGUI/datacatalog: simplify g.remove caller
     174 * wxGUI/datacatalog: zoom to first added map (sync with lmgr behaviour)
     175 * wxGUI/datatalog: fix standalone double click, see r72370
     176 * wxGUI/dbmgr: better handling of text values in SQLBuilder
     177 * wxGUI/dbmgr: fix sorting unicode issue
     178 * wxGUI/dbmgr: get sample/all values tuning
     179 * wxGUI/dbmgr: set busy cursor when soring values
     180 * wxGUI: etree takes only non-keyword arguments for parent and tag in Python 3
     181 * wxGUI: fix font dialog on mac, #3542
     182 * wxGUI: fix for wxPython 4, see #3621 (merge from trunk, r73404)
     183 * wxGUI: fix loading data to ListCtrl with checkboxes for wxPython 4 (merged from trunk, r73233, r73472)
     184 * wxGUI: fix m.nviz.image command building
     185 * wxGUI: fix Phoenix compatibility
     186 * wxGUI: fix problem with Python addons not showing up on Windows, see #3177
     187 * wxGUI forms: improve gui dependencies logic, see #3619
     188 * wxGUI: GetClientSizeTuple? is not anymore in wx4 (merge from trunk, r73323)
     189 * wxGUI/gmodeler: delete intermediate data when model finished
     190 * wxGUI/gmodeler: display data if model done
     191 * wxGUI/gmodeler: implement display data functionality (work in progress)
     192 * wxGUI/gmodeler: print command finished message
     193 * wxGUI/gmodeler: print model computation finished message
     194 * wxGUI/gmodeler: store display tag in model file
     195 * wxGUI: implement widget for SQL WHERE params
     196 * wxGUI/lmgr: add layer selection into giface
     197 * wxGUI: make wx.BusyInfo compatible with wxPython 4
     198 * wxGUI: patch by sanjeet to fix warnings when using attribute manager with wxpython 4 - #3510
     199 * wxGUI/preferences: add new option for random colors (vector)
     200 * wxGUI/psmap: backport some wxPython4 changes from trunk
     201 * wxGUI/psmap: wxPython 4 compatibility (merged from trunk, r73463)
     202 * wxGUI/rdigit: fix raster digitizer toolbar on mac
     203 * wxGUI: replace deprecated checkbox event method, see #3570
     204 * wxGUI: revert accidently commited changes in r72626
     205 * wxGUI: set up default map display properties when new display is open
     206 * wxGUI: show computational region by default, see #3519
     207 * wxGUI/SqlWhereSelect: fix renaming issues
     208 * wxGUI/startup: file to separate GUI-dependent utils (now only db/loc/mapset setting)
     209 * wxGUI/startup: get the first possible grassdata match, not last (faster and more expected)
     210 * wxGUI/startup: lock filename and check in one function
     211 * wxGUI/startup: mapset and location remames as functions
     212 * wxGUI/startup: move delete mapset and location to separate functions
     213 * wxGUI/startup: move mapset creation core to an utils function
     214 * wxGUI/startup: move search for grassdata to package
     215 * wxGUI/startup: new mapset dialog as a separate class and reuse create mapset method
     216 * wxGUI/startup: no parameter for read_gisrc (forgotten self in r73175)
     217 * wxGUI/startup: obtaining version number as a function
     218 * wxGUI/startup: read_gisrc as a function
     219 * wxGUI/startup: read_gisrc as a GUI function (fixes r73175)
     220 * wxGUI/startup: window titles should use title case (plus doc)
     221 * wxGUI/timeline: don't use semitransparency
     222 * wxGUI/timeline: draw grid behind data
     223 * wxGUI/timeline: specify edgecolor to solve #3609
     224 * wxGUI: use simpler widget for MapsetSelect to avoid wxWidgets bug #17771 on mac
     225 * wxGUI: wx4 doesn't have Image.GetHandlers, fixes #3617
    105227==== Python scripting ====
    134256 * libproj: +new GRASS API for coordinate transformation, use new PROJ 5+ API starting with proj-5.1.0 if available
    135257 * libproj: support user-defined PROJ 5+ pipelines
     258 * libraster: ZSTD is now the default compression if available
    136259 * libraster: +GRASS virtual raster (VRT)
    137260 * libraster: update documentation for Map type ("raster", "reclass", "GDAL-link", or "virtual")
    170293 * osgeo4w: add missing msvcrt dependencies
    171294 * Travis: enabled IRC notification in #grass (, see
     295 * winGRASS: add pip as depencency
     296 * winGRASS: add python-ply as a dependency
     297 * wingrass: Fix OSGEO4W_ROOT in grass.bat
     298 * wingrass: wxpython packages rename to python-wx, see
    173300==== Docker support ====