*** File info: *** ogrinfo -so africa.shp africa INFO: Open of `africa.shp' using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful. Layer name: africa Geometry: Polygon Feature Count: 41068 Extent: (-19.981630, -36.581970)-(58.205231, 40.249599) Layer SRS WKT: GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]] AREA: Real (15.3) PERIMETER: Real (15.3) NHEQ2_: Real (11.0) NHEQ2_ID: Real (11.0) CELLID: Integer (10.0) PSECELLID: Integer (10.0) OLDDATA: String (2.0) LON: Real (12.4) LAT: Real (12.4) AREA_1: Real (15.3) PERIMETE_1: Real (15.3) SHMPOLY_: Real (11.0) SHMPOLY_ID: Real (11.0) LON_1: Real (9.3) LAT_1: Real (9.3) **** $: v.in.ogr dsn=africa/africa.shp output=africa \ min_area=0.0001 snap=-1 --overwrite Number of centroids : 0 Number of areas : - Number of isles : - ----------------------------------------------------- Break polygons: Registering points ... 41930 All points (vertices): 205339 Registered points (unique coordinates): 41930 Points marked for break: 41518 Breaks: 163859 ----------------------------------------------------- Remove duplicates: Duplicates: 81227 ----------------------------------------------------- Break boundaries: Intersections: 18808 (line 242525)[1]+ Killed qgis 2 > /tmp/qgis.log >&1 Killed *** System OS: Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) Hardware: RAM: 1GB CPU: AMD XP 2400+