'''!GeoPrisma 1.0 Release Plan''' This purpose of this page is to list the widgets and features that are going to be packaged as !GeoPrisma version 1.0 official release. '''Tasks''' * ''Tickets'' : * (done, adube) mark all tickets required for 1.0 * (done, adube) mark all tickets required in a mid-future for 1.2 (the next release) * (done, adube) close all unresolvable tickets * (done, adube) mark the others for "future" * ''Milestone association review'' * [http://trac.osgeo.org/geoprisma/report/3 All active tickets by Milestone] * Review all the milestone association that was made above, especially those for 1.0. * ''Widgets'' * validate the wishlists below * validate the excluded/deprecated/removed lists below * do all the work required for the widgets in the "wishlists" below marked as "need more work" '''Widget wishlist - Borealis''' The following widgets are ready for the release : * geoexttoolbar * geoextprintform * geoextux_layertreebuilder * getmouseposition * initialview * layer * mappanel * mouseposition * querybyrect * queryonclick * resultextgrid * scale * shortcut * toggle * unselectall * zoomslider The following widgets need more work to be ready for the release : * templatepopup * widget development is complete * need user feed-back (was never implemented) * geoextux_zoomto * #298, javascript small bug * pdfprint * this widget is used in prod environments, but could be remade to include just the popup to select the paper sizes and a title and use the !MapFishPrint service. * #304, re-creation proposal (tickets related to the original widget are included in this one) * delegatefeature * needs to be reviewed * measuretool * #292, re-creation proposal (tickets related to the original widget are included in this one) The following widgets could be included in the release, but we're not sure about them yet : * attributefilterpanel '''More widget wishlist - Nippour''' The following widgets are ready for the release : * editfeature_split * editfeature_drag * editfeature_copy * editfeature_create * editfeature_update * featurepanel_customform * featurepanel_selector * geoextux_redliningpanel * geoextux_shortcutcombo * htwindow * queryonclickwizard * resultvectorlayer * vectorlayer * wfsfilterbuilder * #246 (could be required by BIS) The following widgets need more work to be ready for the release : * filetreepanel * wmslayeradder '''Widget excluded/deprecated/removed''' All the following widgets won't be part of the release. * ''excluded'' : keep the widget in trunk, but exclude it from the 1.0 release (become candidates for 1.2) : * geoextux_printpreview * #227, !OpenLayers vector layer cloning methods need to be fixed * featurepanel_attributeform * editfeature_delete * geoextux_wmsbrowser * geoextux_geonamessearchcombo * featurepanel_form * ''deprecated'' : keep the widget in trunk, exclude it from 1.0 release and it as 'deprecated' (should no longer be used) : * map * mapfishlayertree * mapfishrecenter * ''removal'' : remove the widget source from trunk : * legendpanel * merge * split * quickzoom * toolbar * popup