== Synchronize language files == Roberto Giaccio wrote this small application for GN version 2.0 that compares all localized files and checks for; - files available in main language but missing in localized directory - extra files in localized directory not present in main language directory - in addition, if a file is xml, both the main language and localized document are loaded, and the application checks for: - elements (root children) available in main language but missing in localized document - elements(root thildren) in localized document not present in main language document - if the file is xml and contains errors (like bad UTF, encoding) an error message is displayed. The program is executed with the following commands: cd GEONETWORK_WEBAPP_DIR (usually .../geonetwork/web) java -cp WEB-INF/lib/geonetwork.jar:WEB-INF/lib/jeeves.jar:WEB-INF/lib/jdom.jar org.fao.geonet.apps.!CheckLocalizedFiles loc/ en You can find below the output for the current french and spanish files; the french translation is almost ok, but the spanish one needs some revision; who is going to revise the two translations? Finally, note that the following files in the french and spanish translations are actually in english: metadata-validate.xml validation-error.xml