Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of pluginprofiles

Sep 6, 2010, 7:57:59 PM (14 years ago)



  • pluginprofiles

    v3 v4  
    3535 * modify web/geonetwork/xsl/{metadata.xsl,metadata-utils.xsl} to switch on schema for full and brief mode processing
    3636 * add brief, summary and full presentation xslts to web/geonetwork/xml/csw/schemas
    37  * add schema detection code to the autodetectSchema method in
     37 * add schema detection code to the autodetectSchema method in !
    3838 * add namespaces used for elements to the tooltip javascript (web/geonetwork/scripts/editor/tooltip.js and web/geonetwork/scripts/editor/simpletooltip.js)
    3939 * schemas added to !GeoNetwork exist inside the web application deployment making it more difficult to manage upgrades and new deployments of !GeoNetwork
    5151 * provide the ability to rewrite xslt imports using a URI resolver and oasis catalog file
    5252 * allow users to rewrite schemaLocation hints using an oasis catalog file/files
    53  * add a SchemaManager class to encapsulate and provide schema information to other classes in !GeoNetwork
    54  * rewrite the Info service so that it no longer requires the namespace URI to be provided by the tooltip requests (will use SchemaManager to get this info instead)
    55  * change schema autodetection code to use information from the SchemaManager (may also use enhanced schema autodetect approach from Dominic Owen of USGIN)
    56  * add a services that accept a zip file (or URL of a zip file) containing a schema, unpacks the schema into the schemaPlugins directory, and adds the schema to the list of schemas that GeoNetwork knows about (no config changes required)
     53 * add a !SchemaManager class to encapsulate and provide schema information to other classes in !GeoNetwork
     54 * rewrite the Info service so that it no longer requires the namespace URI to be provided by the tooltip requests (will use !SchemaManager to get this info instead)
     55 * change schema autodetection code to use information from the !SchemaManager (may also use enhanced schema autodetect approach from Dominic Owen of USGIN)
     56 * add a services that accept a zip file (or URL of a zip file) containing a schema, unpacks the schema into the schemaPlugins directory, and adds the schema to the list of schemas that !GeoNetwork knows about (no config changes required)
    5757 * Move codelist and label xml file caching for schemas from Jeeves guiservices to !GeoNetwork guiservices - no longer necessary to add these files to the gui section of web/geonetwork/WEB-INF/config.xml