= Installation and Configuration Examples = == Example 1 == * from Tom Kralidis === Environment === * os: fc10 * db: MySQL 5.0.67 * java: 1.5.0_06 * apache: 2.2.10 * tomcat: 6.0.18 * Other notes: * required to run on port 80 (tomcat is tied to apache via proxy_ajp) * no X11 capability (restricted to command line only) === Steps === 1. create a MySQL geonetwork db instance {{{$ mysqladmin create geonetwork}}} 2. Create a u/p for the database {{{> grant select, insert, update, delete, drop, alter, create on table geonetwork.* to geonetwork@’localhost’ identified by ‘password’;}}} 3. download GeoNetwork source (either latest stable or svn trunk [I'm using SVN trunk]) {{{$ svn co http://geonetwork.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/geonetwork/trunk ./geonetwork}}} 4. update web/geonetwork/WEB-INF/config.xml * in geonet/resources, set the !McKoi resource to {{{resource/@enabled="false"}}} * in geonet/resources, set the MySQL resource to {{{resource/@enabled="true"}}} * In the MySQL XML definition: * set {{{resource/config/user}}} to the username you set in MySQL * set {{{resource/config/password}}} to the password you set in MySQL * set {{{resource/config/url}}} to {{{jdbc:mysql://HOSTNAME:PORT/DATABASE_NAME}}} 5. run GAST {{{$ cd geonetwork/gast && java -jar ./gast.jar -setupdb}}} 6. Update tomcat configuration (in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml, inServer/Service/Engine/Host) {{{ }}} 7. Update the Apache proxy_ajp configuration (mine was in {{{/etc/httpd/conf.d/proxy_ajp.conf}}}) {{{ ProxyPass /geonetwork ajp://localhost:8009/geonetwork/ ProxyPass /geoserver ajp://localhost:8009/geoserver/ ProxyPass /intermap ajp://localhost:8009/intermap/ ProxyPass /geonetwork/docs ajp://localhost:8009/geonetwork/docs/ }}} 8. Restart tomcat ({{{service tomcat6 restart OR $CATALINA_HOME/bin/shutdown.sh && $CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.sh}}}) 9. Restart Apache ({{{service httpd restart OR /path/to/apachectl restart}}}) 10. Go to !http://HOSTNAME/geonetwork === Other info === * you have to set $SERVLET manually in {{{gast/data/index.html}}}. {{{gast.jar}}} usually sets this up through X11. * if you make changes to the source code, running {{{ant}}} at the root of the dist builds the code again with the changes. You shouldn't have to reboot tomcat or apache