== How-to translate GeoNetwork ? == * Translate application (User interface) * Translate user interface : web/geonetwork/loc/strings/eng/xml/strings.xml * Translate metadata standards : * web/geonetwork/xml/schemas/iso19139/loc/eng/labels.xml or codelist.xml or schematron.xml if general * web/geonetwork/xml/schemas/iso19139.che/loc/eng/labels.xml or codelist.xml if profil specific TODO : add example. * Translate db specific content : gast/setup/db/*Des.ddf * GAST * gast/data/gui_de.properties * src/org/fao/gast/localization/message_de.properties * Installer : packsLang.xml_deu * Translate documentation : docs/docbook/gn_manual_deu Once done, send the translation to the devel mailing list and/or create a ticket on trac with patch attached.