Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of rfc39_ogr_layer_algebra

May 3, 2012, 7:23:03 AM (12 years ago)
Ari Jolma



  • rfc39_ogr_layer_algebra

    v4 v5  
    5959== Comments on performance ==
    61 Profiling Intersection of a layer of 46288 line string features with a layer of one polygon feature (~1/3 of features within and many only partly within the one feature) showed that when the method layer was a Shapefile, most of the time was spent in reading the feature from the Shapefile. When the method layer was copied into memory, most of the time (83 %) was spent in OGRLineString::getEnvelope.
     61Profiling Intersection of a layer of 46288 line string features with a layer of one polygon feature (~1/3 of features within and many only partly within the one feature) showed that when the method layer was a Shapefile, most of the time was spent in reading the feature from the Shapefile. When the method layer was copied into memory, most of the time (83 %) was spent in OGRLineString::getEnvelope. The 6th version of the patch contains a test against a pre-computed layer envelope, which speeds up the computation in this case ~30% (from 2.44 s to 1.76 in my machine). Still the most of the time (82 %) is spent in OGRLineString::getEnvelope.