This pages aims at collecting enhancement ideas in a more structured and synthetic form than randomly ordered enhancement tickets scattered in GDAL Trac. Ideas that require a longer description, or with a proposed patch (in which case "[PATCH]" should appear in the description), should go to a ticket with a link from here to the ticket (with the #1234 syntax where 1234 is the actual number of the ticket). Ideas should be formulated as precisely as possible to be usefull. Remember that this is only meant as a way of structuring a whish list and is not a promise of the GDAL project that they will be implemented. You can also see it as a call for contributions and funding opportunities ! Below the skeleton to be filled. == Utilities == General: * XXXX gdal_translate: * XXXXX ogrinfo: * XXXXX ---- == Vector core == * Support 64 bit integer for fields and feature ids. See [wiki:rfc31_ogr_64 RFC 31] ---- == Spatial reference system / projections == ---- == Vector (OGR) drivers == (please keep sorted by alphabetical order) MapInfo (MITAB): * XXX MySuperFormatStillNotImplemented: * To be implemented. See [ Link to format documentation page] Shapefile: * XXXX SQlite/Spatialite: * XXXX ---- == Raster core == ---- == Raster (GDAL) drivers == (please keep sorted by alphabetical order) GeoTIFF: * XXXX JPEG2000 (JP2KAK): * XXXX JPEG2000 (OpenJPEG): * XXXX ---- == SWIG bindings == CSharp: * XXXX Java: * XXXX Perl: * XXXX Python: * XXXX ---- == Porting library == ---- == Documentation == ---- == Build == Linux/Unix: * XXX Windows: * XXXX CMake anyone ? ---- == Tests ==