
Version 19 (modified by maphew, 16 years ago) ( diff )

added link for new GdalMerge page

User Docs

Extended documentation and tips for the GDAL and OGR end user utilities

  • GdalMerge - mosaic a set of images
  • GdalTranslate- for converting rasters to other formats
  • GdalWarp - transforming (projecting) rasters to different coordinate systems
  • Gdal2Tiles - creates a TMS tile structure, KML SuperOverlay and simple html files with viewers
  • OgrInfo - report information on vector files (feature type, projection, schema, etc.)
  • Raster Processing Tutorial - A one hour tutorial on GDAL raster processing utilities.

File Formats

  • GeoTiff - the most versatile format for geo-referenced rasters (images)

Reference Stuff

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