= Summary = 1. USGS offers new topo maps as a geospatial PDF [http://www.gdal.org/frmt_pdf.html] for download [http://nationalmap.gov/ustopo/index.html]. Direct download of specific file: [http://ims.er.usgs.gov/gda_services/download?item_id=5365522] 2. Some users may prefer to have the Topo map as a geotif rather than PDF = Details = 1. GDAL must be built with Geospatial PDF support, see the above link for details. Confirm with: {{{ $ gdalinfo --formats Supported Formats: ... HF2 (rwv): HF2/HFZ heightfield raster PDF (rov): Geospatial PDF OZI (rov): OziExplorer Image File ... }}} 2. Use gdalinfo to get NEATLINE: {{{ $gdalinfo OR_Newport_North_20110824_TM_geo.pdf Driver: PDF/Geospatial PDF Files: OR_Newport_North_20110824_TM_geo.pdf ... Metadata: NEATLINE=POLYGON ((421614.539994676539209 4956417.675689895637333,421413.787766160559841 4941008.479600958526134,409984.382813899661414 4941157.382794972509146,410185.135042413836345 4956566.578883905895054,421614.539994676539209 4956417.675689895637333)) Corner Coordinates: ... }}} 3. Make an OGR datasource of the NEATLINE to use as a cutline in gdalwarp. This can be two files, a .vrt and .csv wkt_cutline_file.vrt: {{{ NEATLINE.csv wkbPolygon Record_Id EPSG:26910 }}} NEATLINE.csv: {{{ "Record_Id","wkb_Polygon" "1","POLYGON ((421614.539994676539209 4956417.675689895637333,421413.787766160559841 4941008.479600958526134,409984.382813899661414 4941157.382794972509146,410185.135042413836345 4956566.578883905895054,421614.539994676539209 4956417.675689895637333))" }}} 4. Use gdal_translate or gdalwarp to convert to geotif and if using gdalwarp, -cutline to the NEATLINE. {{{ gdalwarp -cutline wkt_cutline_file.vrt -cl NEATLINE -crop_to_cutline OR_Newport_North_20110824_TM_geo.pdf OR_Newport_North_20110824_TM_geo.tif }}} = Notes = * There is probably a more elegant way to grab the NEATLINE for use. * This could be combined with gdalinfo to determine which file to download. {{{ gdalinfo "WMS: }}}