For each report line, indicate who is reporting (OSGeo userid or name, or email), what beta/RC was tested, and brief info on what options were tried. List bug numbers for any bugs filed. == Platform Builds == Please indicate what options were tried (extra drivers, script bindings, etc), was autotest run. * Win32 / MSVC (indicate MSVC version) * no reports * Win64 / MSVC * no reports * Win32 / Cygwin * no reports * Win32 / MSYS/MINGW * no reports * Linux Intel 32bit (list gcc version) * no reports * Linux Intel 64bit (list gcc version) * no reports * Solaris (indicate OS version, toolchain, Sparc vs. Intel) * no reports * MacOS X (indicate version, PPC vs. Intel, normal vs. framework) * no reports * Other Unix (list OS, toolchain, CPU) * no reports == Bindings == * C# / Win32 * no reports * C# / Linux-mono * no reports * Python Win32 / (indicate Python version, NG vs. OG, install method) * no reports * Python Unix-like / (indicate Python version, NG vs. OG, install method) * no reports * Perl Win32 * no reports * Perl Unix-like * no reports * Java * no reports * Ruby * no reports == Drivers == For driver testing give a brief sense of what testing was done, what platform, and if appropriate what version of external libraries was used. Mostly we list "problem drivers" or very new drivers. === Raster (GDAL) === * HDF4 * no reports * HDF5 * no reports * ECW * no reports * JP2KAK * no reports * MrSID * no reports * ADRG * no reports * RPFTOC * no reports * Spot DIMAP * no reports * ENVI * no reports * ERMapper * no reports * INGR (Intergraph Raster) * no reports * Leveller * no reports * NITF * no reports * NetCDF * no reports * SRTMHGT * no reports * WCS * no reports * WMS * no reports * Other === Vector (OGR) === * OCI (Oracle) * no reports * KML * no reports * GML * no reports * GPX * no reports * GeoJSON * no reports * GMT * no reports * GRASS * no reports * BNA (Atlas) * no reports * Interlis * no reports * MapInfo (tab and midmif) * no reports * DODS * no reports * PG (Postgres/PostGIS) * no reports * Informix * no reports * Other