Please use this page to list reports of testing GDAL1.5.0 betas and release candidates. You will need an [ OSGeo Userid] to login and edit this page. For each report line, indicate who is reporting (OSGeo userid or name, or email), what beta/RC was tested, and brief info on what options were tried. List bug numbers for any bugs filed. The 1.5.0 autotest can be download from subversion or Some information on running the autotest suite is available in the TestingNotes. == Platform Builds == Please indicate what options were tried (extra drivers, script bindings, etc), was autotest run. * Win32 / MSVC (indicate MSVC version) * warmerdam, VC7.1, beta1 (continuous), buildbot build, autotest works fine, need to list optional drivers... * warmerdam, VC8.0, beta1 (continuous), buildbot build, autotest works fine, need to list optional drivers... * Win64 / MSVC * warmerdam, VC8.0, beta1 (continuous), buildbot build, autotest works fine, need to list optional drivers... * Win32 / Cygwin * no reports * Win32 / MSYS/MINGW * ajolma, plain configure works, finds postgis: --with-pg=/c/Progra~1/PostgreSQL/8.2/bin/pg_config.exe, finds expat: --with-expat=/mingw, finds external libtiff from GTK+ but fails in compile for not having c:/GTK/include, compiles when that's added to GDALmake.opt, linking fails on "Envisat.o not found" works if GDAL_ROOT is replaced with "." in GNUmakefile, Perl bindings complain on clean.bat not in MANIFEST (fixed now in trunk), Perl tests ok * Linux Intel 32bit (list gcc version) * warmerdam, gcc 4.0.1, beta1 (continuous), buildbot telascience-full build, autotest works fine, Python 2.4, Mono * rouault, gcc 4.1.3, r13274 (post-beta1), Ubuntu 7.10 i386 ./configure --without-libtool --with-libtiff=internal --with-sqlite --without-hdf4 --without-hdf5 --with-hide-internal-symbols=yes --with-python drivers/libraries supported : NETCDF, OGDI, JASPER, CURL, POSTGRESQL, XERCES, EXPAT, ODBC, PGEO, SQLITE, GEOS autotest works fine (680 succeeded, 192 skipped, 0 failed) * Linux Intel 64bit (list gcc version) * no reports * Solaris (indicate OS version, toolchain, Sparc vs. Intel) * no reports * MacOS X (indicate version, PPC vs. Intel, normal vs. framework) * no reports * Other Unix (list OS, toolchain, CPU) * no reports == Bindings == * C# / Win32 * warmerdam: beta1 (continuous), buildbot (vc71, vc8, etc), build and autotests are fine. * C# / Linux-mono * warmerdam: beta1 (continuous), buildbot telascience-full, build and autotests are fine. * Python Win32 / (indicate Python version, NG vs. OG, install method) * no reports * Python Unix-like / (indicate Python version, NG vs. OG, install method) * rouault: r13274 (post-beta1), Ubuntu 7.10 i386, python 2.5, NG, install method : make install, autotests are fine * Perl Win32 * no reports * Perl Unix-like * no reports * Java * no reports * Ruby * no reports == Drivers == For driver testing give a brief sense of what testing was done, what platform, and if appropriate what version of external libraries was used. Mostly we list "problem drivers" or very new drivers. === Raster (GDAL) === * HDF4 * nowakpl, * HDF5 * no reports * ECW * no reports * JP2KAK * no reports * MrSID * no reports * ADRG * rouault : r13274 (post-beta1), Ubuntu 7.10 i386, autotest fine, openev fine on all available operationnal datasets (all = just one ;-)) * RPFTOC * rouault : r13274 (post-beta1), Ubuntu 7.10 i386, gdalinfo/openev fine on all available operationnal datasets * Spot DIMAP * no reports * ENVI * rouault : r13274 (post-beta1), Ubuntu 7.10 i386, autotest fine * ERMapper * no reports * INGR (Intergraph Raster) * rouault : r13274 (post-beta1), Ubuntu 7.10 i386, autotest fine * Leveller * no reports * NITF (needs testing on exotic files) * warmerdam: autotest succeeding on all buildbot platforms) * rouault : r13274 (post-beta1), Ubuntu 7.10 i386, autotest fine. On * nitf2.0 : gdalinfo fine except U_2001d.ntf (ERROR 4: `../../nitf/nitf2.0/U_2001d.ntf.aux.xml' not recognised as a supported file format) and same error with U_2001e.ntf, U_2005a.ntf, U_2010a.ntf, U_2015a.ntf, U_2020a.ntf. gdalinfo U_4007a.ntf : ERROR 1: libjpeg: Unsupported JPEG data precision 12 * nitf2.1 : gdalinfo and openev fine on all * NetCDF * warmerdam: autotest succeeding on i32 linux (telascience) buildbot. * rouault : r13274 (post-beta1), Ubuntu 7.10 i386, autotest fine * SRTMHGT * rouault : r13274 (post-beta1), Ubuntu 7.10 i386, gdalinfo/openev fine on all available operationnal datasets * WCS * warmerdam: autotest succeeding on MacOS X (epimetheus) and i32 linux (telascience). * rouault : r13274 (post-beta1), Ubuntu 7.10 i386, autotest fine * WMS * warmerdam: autotest succeeding on MacOS X (epimetheus) and i32 linux (telascience). * rouault : r13274 (post-beta1), Ubuntu 7.10 i386, autotest fine * Other === Vector (OGR) === * OCI (Oracle) * no reports * KML * rouault : r13274 (post-beta1), Ubuntu 7.10 i386, autotest fine * GML * rouault : r13274 (post-beta1), Ubuntu 7.10 i386, autotest fine * GPX * rouault : r13274 (post-beta1), Ubuntu 7.10 i386, autotest fine, ogrinfo -ro -al fine on big GPX (50 MB, 117 000 features) * GeoJSON * rouault : r13274 (post-beta1), Ubuntu 7.10 i386, autotest fine * GMT * no reports * GRASS * no reports * BNA (Atlas) * rouault : r13274 (post-beta1), Ubuntu 7.10 i386, autotest fine * Interlis * no reports * MapInfo (tab and midmif) * no reports * DODS * no reports * PG (Postgres/PostGIS) * no reports * Informix * no reports * Other