= GDAL/OGR 3.0.1 Release Notes = The 3.0.1 release is a bug fix release. == Build == * configure: fix detection of libpq in a non-standard place (3.0 regression) (#1542) * Fix MSVC linking issue related to TransformWithOptionsCache class (#1639) == Port == * /vsitar/: support >100 character file names (#1559) * /vsicurl/: fix CPL_VSIL_CURL_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS with query string (#1614) * /vsicurl/: allow 'Connection timed out' CURL errors as candidate for HTTP retry * /vsicurl/: GetFileSize(): when HEAD request does not return Content-Length header, retry with GET * /vsis3/: for a long living file handle, refresh credentials coming from EC2/AIM (#1593) == GDAL algorithms == * GDALReprojectImage(): properly take into account source/target alpha bands * GDALCreateReprojectionTransformerEx(): do not emit error if reverse transformation fails, and fix crash when trying to use null reverse transformation * Warper: fix GDAL 2.3 regression in a situation with source nodata value, multiple bands and nearest resampling where the logic to detect which source pixels are nodata was inverted (#1656) * Contour generator: fix SegmentMerger list iterator skipping and out of bounds error. (#1670) == GDAL core == * GDALInvGeoTransform(): make it work with scale and rotation/skew coefficients of small absolute value (#1615) * GDALCopyWholeRasterGetSwathSize(): fix potential int overflows for big values of GDAL_SWATH_SIZE or GDAL_CACHEMAX == GDAL utliities == * gdal_translate: Make 'gdal_translate foo.tif foo.tif.ovr -outsize 50% 50% -of GTiff' work * gdalwarp: fix wrong axis order when using source/target CRS being a geographic3D CRS such as EPSG:4979, and with vertical shift grid application (#1561, 3.0 regression) * gdal_calc.py: Fixed NaN-streaking in output images when the --allBands option is given to tiled images, and removed redundant calculation of nXValid. * gdal_polygonize.py: fix outputing to geojson without explicit -f switch (#1533) * gdallocationinfo: emit verbose error when dataset canot be opened (#1684) == GDAL drivers == ENVI driver: * fix potential use of invalid pointer on some unusual std::string implementations (#1527) * add read support for reading GCPs (#1528), and fix off-by-one offset on line,pixel on reading GCP GTiff driver: * make WEBP_LEVEL to be honored in Create() mode (#1594) * reset m_bGeoTIFFInfoChanged flag in FlushDirectory() * PushMetadataToPam(): early exit when PAM is disabled, to avoid error messages GXF driver: * avoid closing the file pointer before being sure this is a GXF driver, otherwise this can prevent the opening of some raw format files (#1521) HDF5 driver: * Make GH5_FetchAttribute(CPLString) more robust and able to cope with variable-length string ISIS3 driver: * fix parsing of lists in JSon metadata, and quote string items when writing lists when needed (#1510) KEA driver: * return error when deleting metadata item rather than crashing (#1681) NITF driver: * fix parsing of SENSRB TRE (#1520) RS2 driver: * add half-pixel shift to reported GCP line and column numbers (#1666) TileDB driver: * removed ambiguous use of size_t * TILEDB_LIBS added for windows build VRT driver: * Python pixel functions: also probe libpython3.Xm.so.1.0 (#1660) == OGRSpatialReference == * EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3857: fix invalid output with some input coordinates (3.0 regression) * GetAxis(): make it work with a compound CRS (#1604) * importFromWkt(): emit a CPLError() in case of import failure (refs #1623) == OGR drivers == EEDA driver: * fix startTime / endTime comparisons that were incomplete in #1506 GeoJSON driver: * fix recognizing some documents with members sorted alphabetically (#1537) * avoid SetFeature() to repeat first feature when looping over features (#1687) ElasticSearch driver: * set 'application/json' in RunRequest() with POST (#1628) * GeoJSON type field should be mapped as text in ES>=5 GPKG driver: * change default value of OGR_GPKG_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECK to NO, so as to avoid issues in downstream software * insert more accurate spatial extent in gpkg_contents * fix memory leak in case of corrupted database. Fixes https://bugs.chromium.org/p/oss-fuzz/issues/detail?id=14683. KML driver: * set OAMS_TRADITIONAL_GIS_ORDER for SRS returned on returned layers MapInfo driver: * TAB: don't left truncate numeric values in the .dat when the field formatting is incompatible, but error out (#1636) MSSQLSpatial driver: * Fix handling empty geometries (#1674) * Fix handling mixed geometries (#1678) MVT driver: * make CONF option accept a filename as well PostgreSQL driver: * do not attempt to create VARCHAR(n) columns with n >= 10485760 (#1508) Shapefile driver: * better deal with empty .shp+.shx and SHAPE_RESTORE_SHX (#1525) * fix crash when creating a layer with a wkbNone geometry type but a SRS (3.0 regression) * launder layer name to get Windows compatible filename WaSP driver: * on creation, make sure the layer geometry type set on the feature definition is wkbLineString25D == SWIG bindings == * add osr.SetPROJSearchPath(path) that can be used since setting PROJ_LIB from C# does no work (#1647) == Python bindings == * honour gdal.UseExceptions() in numpy related methods (gdalnumeric module) (#1515)