Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Release/2.3.1-News

Jun 22, 2018, 1:50:17 AM (6 years ago)
Even Rouault

Create 2.3.1 NEWS page


  • Release/2.3.1-News

    v1 v1  
     1= GDAL/OGR 2.3.1 Release Notes =
     3The 2.3.1 release is a bug fix release.
     5== Build ==
     8 * Fix build with recent Poppler (0.64) (#573)
     9 * PDF driver: fix build against PDFium (#612)
     10 * Do not use json-c private API in RDA and AmigoCloud drvers (#618)
     11 * fix build against MySQL 8.0
     12 * Include gdalsse_priv.h from user defined paths
     15 * update GRASS drivers to support GRASS 7.4.0 (#633)
     16 * configure: use CXXFLAGS when CXX is used (#693)
     19 * MBTILES: remove extra parenthesis around $(ZLIB_FLAGS)
     20 * NMAKE: copy gdal pdb to $(LIBDIR) in libinstall target
     21 * NMAKE: Enable friendlier static library builds: DLL_BUILD can be set to 0
     23== Port ==
     25 * cpl_port.h: avoid compilation error when compiling GMT's gmtdigitize.c that defines _XOPEN_SOURCE to empty (#590)
     26 * gdal_pc: fix CONFIG_INST_DATA (#609)
     27 * /vsioss/: fix support of filenames with spaces
     28 * /vsis3/: fix VSIStatL() on a directory (#603)
     29 * /vsitar/: support headers with fields using star base-256 coding (#675)
     30 * /vsizip/: fix memory leaks in error code paths on file opening (#699)
     31 * /vsigs/, /vsiaz/, /vsioss/: fix signature issues related to Date HTTP header, when non-C locale is enabled
     32 * Installed headers: re-install cpl_vsi_error.h
     34== GDAL core ==
     36 * GDALProxyPoolDataset constructor: fix inverted logic related to projection
     37 * GDALGetJPEG2000Structure(): avoid excessive memory allocation. (oss-fuzz#8268)
     38 * Overview: fix wrong computation of source pixel indices for AVERAGE and pixel-interleave bands
     40== GDAL utilities ==
     42 * gdal_contour: avoid out-of-memory situation (#594)
     43 * apply NaN check for raster copy
     44 * fix rounding issues when computing source and target regions (#670)
     46== GDAL algorithms ==
     48 * OpenCL wrapper: fix memory leak
     50== GDAL drivers ==
     52EHdr driver:
     53 * fix creation of large enough drivers (#705)
     55ENVI driver:
     56 * fix creation of large enough drivers (#705)
     58ERS driver:
     59 * avoid potential stack overflow (oss-fuzz#8614)
     60 * avoid infinite recursion (oss-fuzz#8744)
     61 * avoid potential bad cast (oss-fuzz#8745)
     63FIT driver:
     64 * avoid excessive block size on creation (oss-fuzz#8292)
     66GPKG driver:
     67 * fix memory leak if errors on writing metadata
     69GRIB driver:
     70 * g2clib: avoid potential out of bound access (CID 1393528)
     72GTiff driver:
     73 * Internal libgeotiff: when rewriting a ASCII key with a string value longer than the original value, do not add a dummy "0 0 0 0" entry in the GeoKeyDirectory (#641)
     74 * work-around above mentionned libgeotiff bug (#641)
     75 * avoid various memory corruptions when reading some corrupted file (oss-fuzz#8488)
     77HDF5 driver:
     78 * fix reading variable names with single character (#622)
     80IRIS driver:
     81 * avoid infinite loop (oss-fuzz#8256, oss-fuzz#8439)
     83ISCE driver:
     84 * fix creation of large enough drivers (#705)
     86PCRaster driver:
     87 * libcsf: avoid potential out of bound access (CID 1074445)
     89PostgisRaster driver:
     90 * add support for out-db rasters (Trac #3234)
     91 * improve performance of line by line reading
     93RS2 driver:
     94 * fix avoid potential memleak (CID 1393537, CID 1393534, CID 1074387)
     96SGI driver:
     97 * avoid out-of-bound buffer access (oss-fuzz#8889)
     99USGSDEM driver:
     100 * fix reading of Benicia.dem and Novato.dem (fixes trac #4901, github #583)
     101 * avoid potential out-of-bounds access (CID 1393532)
     103WCS driver:
     104 * avoid null pointer dereference (#648)
     106== OGR core ==
     108 * OGRLineString::TransferMembersAndDestroy(): fix crashing issue with M component. (oss-fuzz#8773)
     109 * OGRSQL evaluation: avoid too deep recursion. (oss-fuzz#8836)
     110 * OGRGeometry::exportToGEOS(): fix potential out-of-bounds write on some GeometryCollection with TIN/PolyhedralSurface (#688)
     112== OGRSpatialReference ==
     114 * Validation: fix wrong values in papszProjectionDefinitions array, affecting Stereographic, Krovak, and Two_Point_Equidistant
     115 * Validation: add missing parameter names in papszParameterDefinitions array
     116 * MorphToESRI(): avoid potential heap use-after-free (#696)
     118== OGR drivers ==
     120AVCE00 driver:
     121 * avoid perforance issues on huge lines (oss-fuzz#8284)
     123BNA driver:
     124 * refuse to open existing file in update mode, since it causes later crashes when attempting to add new features (fixes
     126CSV driver:
     127 * in writing, use WKT instead of actual geometry column name if GEOMETRY=AS_WKT mode is used without CREATE_CSVT=YES (#660)
     129DXF driver:
     130 * avoid null pointer dereference when DXF_MAX_BSPLINE_CONTROL_POINTS is hit (oss-fuzz#8254)
     132GeoJSON driver:
     133 * properly flush the file in SyncToDisk() in append situations (relates to
     134 * fix type deduction when there is a of type string and of type int (#669)
     137 * avoid performance issue when opening layer with big number of fields. (oss-fuzz#8259)
     139GPKG driver:
     140 * take into ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT to invalidate cached feature count
     141 * GPKG/SQLite: make sure to not invalidate POSIX advisory locks
     143MSSQLSpatial driver:
     144 * Fix layer-schema separation problem (#586)
     145 * Fix bulk copy for multiple layers (#619)
     147MVT driver:
     148 * writer: do not skip Z/M/ZM geometries, just keep their XY coordinates
     150VFK driver:
     151 * create index on ID column only for selected (geometry-related) layers (#498)
     152 * create db indices after inserting data and befor resolving geometrys (#498)
     153 * avoid bigint overflow, force text attributes (PODIL_CITATEL/PODIL_JMENOVATEL) (#672)
     155WFS3 driver:
     156 * update to current version of the API draft (#626)
     157 * remove legacy hack for feature paging that can cause endless loops
     159XLSX driver:
     160 * avoid stack buffer overflow is creating too many fields (oss-fuzz#8198)
     161 * avoid timeout (oss-fuzz#8225)
     162 * fix null pointer dereference (oss-fuzz#8286)
     164== SWIG bindings ==
     166Java bindings:
     167 * Javadoc updates
     168 * update to Java 1.6 requirement to please 'ant maven' target
     170Perl bindings:
     171 * require wrappers to be made before proceeding make (fixes #643).
     173Python bindings:
     174 * fixed NULL check on VSIFReadL (#572)