Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Release/1.6.1-News

May 8, 2009, 6:49:11 PM (15 years ago)



  • Release/1.6.1-News

    v4 v5  
    1 Note!!! This page is a preview of the notes for the 1.6.1 release.  1.6.1 has not yet been officially released.
    3 default:
    4  * Add cast to (unsigned char) in all isspace() calls (#1681)
    6 OGR_SF:
    7  * (core) Fix crash in OGRStyleTable::AddStyle (#2810, #2531)
    8  * (core) crash in OGRLinearRing::get_Area() (#2792)
    9  * (core) GetFieldAsString() fails (aborts) on Ubuntu 8.10 (#2896)
    10  * (core) Issues related to wildcard expansion in SQL result layer (#2788)
    11  * (core) Generic SQL doesn't support feature styles (#2808)
    13  * (BNA) BNA inner ring contains only duplication of first point (#2985)
    14  * (Geoconcept) out of bound access in geoconcept.c (#2918)
    15  * (GeoJSON) Handle "link" and "name" srs members for GeoJSON (#2665)
    16  * (GeoJSON) Memory leak in GeoJSON driver for spatial reference of geometry of feature (#2863)
    17  * (GML) GML read failure on some Unicode strings for GDAL 1.6+ (#2948)
    18  * (GML) OGRGMLLayer::GetFeatureCount() returns -1 if there's a .XSD file available (#2969)
    19  * (GML) OGR support GML 3.1.1 level 0 (#2932)
    20  * (GML) GDAL thinks string field is an integer field in GML layer (#2493)
    21  * (GPX) OGR GPX driver creates duplicate field names in shapefile (#2966)
    22  * (KML) KML Driver - Placemark with Multigeometry Polygons fails (#1853)
    23  * (KML) KML: Encoding issue and mixed container (#2181)
    24  * (KML) KML: Documents with multiple geometry types are not supported (#1803)
    25  * (OCI) OCI varchar2(4000) (#2876)
    26  * (PG) Postgresql field count wrong (#962)
    27  * (PG) postgres driver failes to create geometry index if layer name starts with a number (#2945)
    28  * (SDE) SDE connection failed message non descriptive (#1444)
    29  * (Shape) .dbf files; inconsistencies with date formats (#2746)
    30  * (VRT) OGR VRT driver may crash when there are missing elements in the XML definition (#2952)
    32 OGR_SRS:
    33  * PROJCS with AXIS considered invalid (#2739)
    34  * Wrong name for SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_2SP_BELGIUM (#2763)
    35  * IsSame results in false positive for LOCAL_CS (#2849)
    36  * ERMapper projection lookup problem (#2819)
    38 Docs:
    39  * gdalwarp man page not generated in GDAL 1.6.0 (#2742)
    40  * some bogus part in gdal_contour manual (#2790)
    42 Utilities:
    43  * Make gdalbuildvrt compiled by default in 1.6.1 (#2987)
    44  * Python utililities should support command-line wildcards (#2783)
    45  * gdal_contour segfaults when no output specified (#2789)
    46  * gdal_contour: -3d option doesn't work just after -fl option (#2793)
    47  * gdal_contour segfaults if wrong band number is specified (#2794)
    48  * -separate doesn't work (#2836)
    49  * gdalwarp cblend option does not work (#2733)
    50  * gdalwarp ignores cutline when -tr specified (#2847)
    51  * gdalwarp cutline off source problems (#2853)
    52  * multi-part cutlines not supported (#2984)
     3 * SetColorTable() not supported for existing TIFF files (#2421)
     4 * IReadBlock failure in gdaladdo (#2486)
     5 * Opening large GIF files causes GDALOpen() to hang. (#2542)
     6 * VRTSourcedRasterBand fails if there are no sources (#2728)
     7 * Set projection to an existing HFA dataset as a PE string (#2731)
     8 * [PATCH - libtiff] JPEG compression in TIF doesn't work (#2748)
     9 * GRIB driver asserts (crashes) on opening this dataset (#2751)
     10 * georaster: In Oracle 10g generateSpatialExtent() in PL/SQL accept only one parameter (#2754)
     11 * gdalwarp to geotiff 1 bit mangles image (#2759)
     12 * gdalwarp to geotiff - TFW=YES ignored (#2760)
     13 * GDALOpenShared may crashes if dataset description is not the dataset filename (#2797)
     14 * A number of drivers implementation of Create() and CreateCopy() don't handle properly nBands == 0 (#2799)
     15 * bsb kap noaa (#2817)
     16 * gdalwarp with compression corrupts output (#2820)
     17 * BMP driver may crash when reading corrupted files (#2827)
     18 * JDEM driver leaks and may crash on corrupted dataset (#2828)
     19 * GXF driver doesn't validate raster dimensions (#2829)
     20 * GFF driver doesn't support big endian host (#2832)
     21 * GDALDatasetPool::~GDALDatasetPool() asserts when an underlying file cannot be opened (#2837)
     22 * Unable to delete colormap from HFA (#2842)
     23 * Overview is AUX (#2854)
     24 * AIGRID driver cannot read RAT on Windows (#2865)
     25 * Projection Warning only printed for debug mode (ISIS 2/3, PDS) (#2873)
     26 * Crash when serializing VRTDerivedRasterBand without pixel func defined (#2877)
     27 * GRIB driver crashes with large datasets (#2887)
     28 * Closing a dataset opened with GDALOpenShared in another thread causes later corruption (#2897)
     29 * ERS shows 8 bit signed integer datasets as unsigned integer. (#2902)
     30 * Overviews cannot be built for CIT or COT (#2904)
     31 * ERS file pointing to an ECW file is not opening when a full path name is not specified (#2906)
     32 * ERS file pointing to an ECW file is not opening when a full path name is not specified (#2908)
     33 * Reposition all NITF image and annotation segments relative to the base (0) segment (#2912)
     34 * Building RRD overviews using AVERAGE_BIT2GRAYSCALE results in wrong value (#2914)
     35 * GeoRaster: NBIT need swapping (#2917)
     36 * GeoRaster: Some combinations of Interleaving and bands per blocks fail (#2923)
     37 * GeoRaster: Error compressing (DEFLATE) incomplete blocks (#2924)
     38 * Memory overwrite while zooming an ECW image (#2934)
     39 * Georaster - Pyramid Levels mismatch (#2946)
     40 * Keyword causing format unrecognized (PDS) (#2956)
     41 * 11 bit JPEG2000 compressed NITIF shows as 8 bit (#2964)
     42 * GeoRaster: Non georeferenced images wrongly reported (#2967)
    5949 * Lanczos and CubicSpline resampler buffer error on 2x2 images (#2960)
    61 GDAL_Raster:
    62  * (all) A number of drivers implementation of Create() and CreateCopy() don't handle properly nBands == 0 (#2799)
     52 * gdalwarp cblend option does not work (#2733)
     53 * Python utililities should support command-line wildcards (#2783)
     54 * gdal_contour: -3d option doesn't work just after -fl option (#2793)
     55 * gdal_contour segfaults if wrong band number is specified (#2794)
     56 * -separate doesn't work (#2836)
     57 * gdalwarp ignores cutline when -tr specified (#2847)
     58 * gdalwarp cutline off source problems (#2853)
     59 * multi-part cutlines not supported (#2984)
     60 * Make gdalbuildvrt compiled by default for GDAL 1.6.1 (#2987)
    64  * (core) Building RRD overviews using AVERAGE_BIT2GRAYSCALE results in wrong value (#2914)
    65  * (core) Closing a dataset opened with GDALOpenShared in another thread causes later corruption (#2897)
    66  * (core) GDAL gcore not robust enough to invalid raster block dimensions (#2822)
    67  * (core) GDALDatasetPool::~GDALDatasetPool() asserts when an underlying file cannot be opened (#2837)
    68  * (core) GDALOpenShared may crashes if dataset description is not the dataset filename (#2797)
    69  * (core) Overview is AUX (#2854)
    70  * (core) GDALVersionInfo(NULL) segfaults (#2826)
     63 * Postgresql field count wrong (#962)
     64 * SDE connection failed message non descriptive (#1444)
     65 * KML Driver - Placemark with Multigeometry Polygons fails (#1853)
     66 * KML: Encoding issue and mixed container (#2181)
     67 * Handle "link" and "name" srs members for GeoJSON (#2665)
     68 * Issues related to wildcard expansion in SQL result layer (#2788)
     69 * Generic SQL doesn't support feature styles (#2808)
     70 * OCI varchar2(4000) (#2876)
     71 * OGR support GML 3.1.1 level 0 (#2932)
     72 * postgres driver failes to create geometry index if layer name starts with a number (#2945)
     73 * GML read failure for GDAL 1.6+ (#2948)
     74 * OGR GPX driver creates duplicate field names in shapefile (#2966)
     75 * OGRGMLLayer::GetFeatureCount() returns -1 if there's a .XSD file available (#2969)
     76 * BNA inner ring contains only duplication of first point (#2985)
    72  * (AIGRID) AIGRID driver cannot read RAT on Windows (#2865)
    73  * (BMP) BMP driver may crash when reading corrupted files (#2827)
    74  * (BSB) bsb kap noaa (#2817)
    75  * (BSB) BSBDataset::open() function may consider a non-BSB file as a BSB file (#2881)
    76  * (BSB) Problem with gcps count in BSB Driver (#2777)
    77  * (BSB) Failure reading BSB image (#2782)
    78  * (DOQ2) Potential stack buffer overflow in DOQ2 metadata reading (#2835)
    79  * (DTED) Buffer overflow in DTEDCreateCopy (#2824)
    80  * (DTED) DTED driver cannot read any more files with VOL or HDR (#2951)
    81  * (ECW) GDAL ECW driver requires to define _WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 with MSVC2008 (#2850)
    82  * (ECW) Memory overwrite while zooming an ECW image (#2934)
    83  * (ENVI) ENVI importer crashes when attempting to open an ENVI signature file. (#2778)
    84  * (ERS) ERS file pointing to an ECW file is not opening when a full path name is not specified (#2908)
    85  * (ERS) ERS shows 8 bit signed integer datasets as unsigned integer. (#2902)
    86  * (GeoRaster) Georaster - Pyramid Levels mismatch (#2946)
    87  * (GeoRaster) GeoRaster: Error compressing (DEFLATE) incomplete blocks (#2924)
    88  * (GeoRaster) georaster: In Oracle 10g generateSpatialExtent() in PL/SQL accept only one parameter (#2754)
    89  * (GeoRaster) GeoRaster: NBIT need swapping (#2917)
    90  * (GeoRaster) GeoRaster: Non georeferenced images wrongly reported (#2967)
    91  * (GeoRaster) GeoRaster: Some combinations of Interleaving and bands per blocks fail (#2923)
    92  * (GFF) GFF driver doesn't support big endian host (#2832)
    93  * (GIF) Opening large GIF files causes GDALOpen() to hang. (#2542)
    94  * (GRIB) GRIB driver asserts (crashes) on opening this dataset (#2751)
    95  * (GRIB) GRIB driver crashes with large datasets (#2887)
    96  * (GTiff) gdalwarp to geotiff - TFW=YES ignored (#2760)
    97  * (GTiff) gdalwarp to geotiff 1 bit mangles image (#2759)
    98  * (GTiff) gdalwarp with compression corrupts output (#2820) - Note: regression that appeared after 1.6.0 release
    99  * (GTiff) GTiffRasterBand::IReadBlock() is terrible slow for big number of bands and pixel interleaving (#2838)
    100  * (GTiff - libtiff) JPEG compression in TIF doesn't work (#2748)
    101  * (GTiff) SetColorTable() not supported for existing TIFF files (#2421)
    102  * (GTiff - libgeotiff) avoid needlessly deaccessing all csv files (#2957)
    103  * (GXF) GXF driver doesn't validate raster dimensions (#2829)
    104  * (HDF4) HDF4: Mixing Windows driver with subdataset ID (#2823)
    105  * (HDF5) HDF5 driver easily confused about datatypes (#2941)
    106  * (HDF5) Wrong initial value for nGCPCount in HDF5 sub-datasets (#2774)
    107  * (HFA) Set projection to an existing HFA dataset as a PE string (#2731)
    108  * (HFA) Unable to delete colormap from HFA (#2842)
    109  * (INGR) Overviews cannot be built for CIT or COT (#2904)
    110  * (ISIS, PDS) Projection Warning only printed for debug mode (ISIS 2/3, PDS) (#2873)
    111  * (JDEM) JDEM driver leaks and may crash on corrupted dataset (#2828)
    112  * (NITF) 11 bit JPEG2000 compressed NITF shows as 8 bit (#2964)
    113  * (NITF) Reposition all NITF image and annotation segments relative to the base (0) segment (#2912)
    114  * (NITF) ScanJPEGBlocks() finds too many "Start of Image" markers (#2927)
    115  * (PDS) Keyword causing format unrecognized (PDS) (#2956)
    116  * (SGI) Corrupted SGI images can cause crashes (#2803)
    117  * (VRT) Crash when serializing VRTDerivedRasterBand without pixel func defined (#2877)
    118  * (VRT) VRTSourcedRasterBand fails if there are no sources (#2728)
    119  * (VRT) Blocks of data missing when warping cascaded vrt (#2867)
     79 * Add cast to (unsigned char) in all isspace() calls (#1681)
     80 * Wrong name for SRS_PT_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC_2SP_BELGIUM (#2763)
     81 * gdal_contour segfaults when no output specified (#2789)
     82 * GDAL gcore not robust enough to invalid raster block dimensions (#2822)
     83 * HDF4: Mixing Windows driver with subdataset ID (#2823)
     84 * GTiffRasterBand::IReadBlock() is terrible slow for big number of bands and pixel interleaving (#2838)
     85 * GDAL ECW driver requires to define _WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 with MSVC2008 (#2850)
     86 * Memory leak in GeoJSON driver for spatial reference of geometry of feature (#2863)
     87 * BSBDataset::open() function may consider a non-BSB file as a BSB file (#2881)
     88 * out of bound access in geoconcept.c (#2918)
     89 * ScanJPEGBlocks() finds too many "Start of Image" markers (#2927)
     90 * OGR VRT driver may crash when there are missing elements in the XML definition (#2952)
    121 ConfigBuild:
     93 * gdalwarp man page not generated in GDAL 1.6.0 (#2742)
     94 * some bogus part in gdal_contour manual (#2790)
     96Spatial References:
     97 * KML: Documents with multiple geometry types are not supported (#1803)
     98 * PROJCS with AXIS considered invalid (#2739)
     99 * .dbf files; inconsistencies with date formats (#2746)
     100 * IsSame results in false positive for LOCAL_CS (#2849)
     102Configuration :
    122103 * OGR_ENABLED not properly defined in win32 builds (#2784)
    123104 * mysql compile error with GCC 4.3.2: error: macro "min" passed 3 arguments, but takes just 2 (#2972)
    124  * external libz header is not found when setting the --with-libz=ARG switch (#2942)
    126106SWIG (all bindings):
    129109 * swig 1.3.39 breaks nearly all swig bindings (java, python, ruby) (#2954)
    131 PythonBindings:
     112 * C# Vista 64-bit OSGeo.OGR.Datasource.CreateLayer freezing (#2173)
     113 * Support MSVC2008 builds with the csharp interface (#2862)
     114 * Problems to compile swigged GDAL for C# on 64 bit machine (#2928)
     115 * Change the dll mapping rules to support the recent MONO versions (#2961)
    132118 * Python callbacks only support functions, not any callable (#2743)
    133119 * Broken python bindings for TransformCoordinates method of osr.CoordinateTransformation (#2764)
    135121 * GetFieldAsStringList c# and Python wraper (#2839)
    136122 * python typemaps for OBJECT_LIST_INPUT(GDALRasterBandShadow) is broken (#2872)
    137  * Python bindings don't build on Mandriva 2009.1 (#2974)
    139 CSharpBindings:
    140  * C# Vista 64-bit OSGeo.OGR.Datasource.CreateLayer freezing (#2173)
    141  * Support MSVC2008 builds with the csharp interface (#2862)
    142  * Problems to compile swigged GDAL for C# on 64 bit machine (#2928)
    143  * Change the dll mapping rules to support the recent MONO versions (#2961)